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"Creation of Life" by Slumpity
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In the beginning Slump made the heavens and the earth, and while the earth was still unformed, Slump said, "Let there be light," and there was light. And Slump saw that the light was good.
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Then Slump separated the light from the darkness. And Slump called the light Day and the darkness Night. And there was an evening and a morning, making the first day. And Slump said "Let there be a sky and let it divide the waters that are below from the-
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waters that are above the sky."And it was done. And Slump called the sky the Heavens. And there was an evening and a morning, making the second day. And Slump said, "Let the waters under the heavens be brought together, and let the dry land appear." And -
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it was done. And Slump called the dry land Earth and the waters that were brought together Seas. And Slump saw that it was good. And Slump said, "Let plants and trees grow from the earth." And it was done. And plants and trees grew from the earth each pl-
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ant bringing forth its own kind of seed and each tree its own kind of fruit, and Slump saw that it was good. And there was an evening and a morning,making the third day. And Slump said, "Let there be lights in the heavens to separate the night from the-
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day. Let them be signs to mark the seasons, the days, and the years. Let them be lights in the heavens to light the earth." And it was done. So Slump made the two great lights (the sun and the moon): the greater to rule the day and the lesser to rule the-
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night. Slump made the stars also and placed them in the heavens to throw light upon the earth. And Slump saw that it was good. And there was an evening and a morning, making the fourth day. And Slump said, "Let the waters bring forth many living creature-
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s with which the waters abound, and all kinds of birds. And Slump saw that it was good. And he blessed them, saying, "Increase and fill the waters in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth." And there was an evening and a morning, making the f-
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ifth day. And Slump said, "Let the earth bring forth all kinds of living creatures, cattle and creeping things and wild beasts." And it was done. So Slump made all the different kinds of wild beasts, and the cattle, and everything that crawls upon the gr-
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ound. And Slump saw that it was good. And Slump said, "Let us make man like ourselves. Let him rule over the fish in the sea, the birds of the sky, the cattle, the wild beasts and all the living things that crawl upon the ground." And Slump made man like-
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himself, like Slump he made him. He made them male and female. And Slump blessed them, and said to them, "Have children, increase, live all over the earth, and conquer it; rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and over every living thing-
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that crawls upon the ground." And Slump said, "See, to you I give every plant which grows on all the earth, and every tree which bears fruit with its own kind of seed. It shall be food for you. And to every wild beast and to every bird of the sky and to -
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everything that crawls on the earth and is alive, I give every green herb for food." And it was done. And when Slump saw everything that he had made, he saw that it was very good. And there was an evening and a morning, making the sixth day. And the heav-
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ens and the earth were finished and all that there was in them. And on the seventh day when Slump had finished the work which he had done, he rested from all his work. And Slump blessed the seventh day and made it holy, for in it he rested from all the w-
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ork which he had done.
-------------------Seek out the other gospels.