"Greed" by SytherTyler

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In each person comes a new story, every person's story is different. The story of Tim Stone was rather tragic. Timothy Stone, 24 found dead in a bathdub with a slit wrist. He had bled out, he took his life. Mackenzie Harris is the lead investigator in the

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case. The media thought it was a suicide, but the investigators knew it wasn't but kept quiet to take the media's attention off of it. There was a key clue in this case, Tim Stone was a veteran who had lost his left arm in combat. If his right wrist was

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slit there was no way he could've done it himself. And so the investigation begins.

Tim's best friend had seen him hanging out with some odd people, from the southside. He had smoked right before his death, it was noticeable from the smell of his

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rotting corpse. He had been buying and smoking marajuana for some time now.

"Who was supplying him with the substances," asks Mackenzie.
"I think his name is Dan Rossi," answers his friend.

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The police knock on the door of Dan Rossi, after a minute without response from Dan they draw their glocks and pound on the door. Once again no response. This time they decide to kick down the door and storm his small 300 square foot apartment.

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Dan Rossi, 43.

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No wonder he wasn't responding to the pounding on the door, he's dead. Slit wrists, dead in the bathtub. Just like Timothy Stone this 43 year old bearded man has had his wrist slit on the right arm. In Dan's freezer were air tight bags full of marajuana.

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This makes the case turn cold, well at least until the autopsy results arrive.

Dan Rossi didn't have many people he could trust, he only had his customers.
"Dan was rather introverted," states his ex-girlfriend.

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"Do you think he would, take his own life?" asks Mackenzie.
"No, although he was introverted he loved life and would never end it," answers Dan's ex.

The autopsy results are in, but there is an oddity. The stomach contents of Tim and Dan contain

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cyanide. But the odd thing is, cyanide was not needed since the victim would've bled out. It was overkill.

Despite all this tragedy, there is only one pharmacy that sells cyanide in the city. A small run down pharmacy called, Cure O' Holics.

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Though there had been 4 people in the past few weeks that have bought cyanide, they all paid in cash.

They have to slowly narrow down the list, surely one of them is the killer. Suspect #1 on the list, John Sickle. His reason for purchasing cyanide

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was he needed to do research on the effect of cyanide on plants. The two other suspects, Marie and Will Parch have fled the country. The last suspect, Sebastien Walkerson didn't comment on the question. Once again the case goes cold, without any evidence

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to prove which suspect did it. Until they go through the records of Timothy Stone and read his will. All of Timothy's money was going to be given to his best friend, Julie Walkerson. The wife of Sebastien Walkerson. Mackenzie questions Julie one more time

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returning to the point that Tim might have took his life. "I'm still in shock that he's dead," is Julie's only reaction. Mackenzie takes a sharp turn and asks Julie where she was at the time of the death, "I was at home watching a movie." "Can anyone back

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you up on that?" asks Mackenzie. There is a brief moment of silence before Julie answers, "No."

Mackenzie is nearly certain it was Julie that did it with the aid of Sebastien, she just can't prove it.

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The next morning a clue is found, a size 6 shoe print along with a size 10 shoe print are found inside on the hardwood floor. The size 6 matches Julie's exact shoe and the size 10 matches Sebastien's.

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The next morning Mackenzie along with the rest of the police storm Julie and Sebastien's Westhedge middle class house and arrest them both.

They're both charged with murder and given a lengthy sentance of a lifetime. Their biggest mistake was not

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cleaning their shoes.

Their motive; money.

Money is the root of all evil.