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"PvP Tips" by SapeTheCat
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Hello! You have probably bought this book because you want to learn about PvP. Why else would you buy it, anyways? Well, here are my tips on PvP.
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Always jump in the air when you melee attack someone. It does more damage.
Don't attack someone with better armor/weapons than you, because it will probably result in your utter demise.
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If you are using a bow, aim above the target. The further the distance between you and the targer, the higher you aim. If they are extra far away, try jumping.
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If someone is standing near a dangerous object (lava, cactus, cliff, etc.), try to knock them into/onto/off/etc. it. This is also helpful if the other player has stronger armor/weapons than you.
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Potions are also very helpful. Poison & instant damage are the most helpful, but slowness, weakness, etc. are also helpful. Try poisoning someone, then wait until they have half a heart left and throw an instant damage potion at them.
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If you are in a tough situation, try using the terrain and creatures around you. If it is nighttime and there is a creeper nearby, try luring it towards your enemy and making it blow up. Jumping around from tree to tree is also helpful.
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And that's all for now! I might make a volume 2 later, so stay tuned for more PvP and other tips!