"Shards of Vindex" by Sir_Monty_I

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Vindex Nation is like a fragile mirror. It could be shattered at any time, and broken into millions of tiny Shards. Some say Vindex is broken forever, but I say we, together, can repair it. Vindex doesn't have to be a wasteland, but it can

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be if we don't work together. Vindex will become the great metropolis it is if we will work together. This book will tell of the many problems of Vindex and how we, when working together, can fix them. I have collected information from important people to

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learn about our many problems. One day, Vindex will be great again.

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I recently had the privelege to interview Sherlock1010, the military commander since September of 2015. He is currently planning to deploy troops in Vindex nation to proect it from terrorist attacks. However, Brenann, the current mayor, is

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totally against this action. She describes Sherlock1010 as a "Lier to the people." Other people agree as Sherlock has told them the army is winning the war, when they are 3000 kills down. Sherlock says that the only reason the rebels are ahead, is because

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"The rebels have been hacking into the system and getting ahead." However, Huntsmania denies this. In fact, when I suggested this, he ordered his men to shoot me. It is my personal belief that anyone who hacks is totally and completely messed up. However,

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anyone who lies to the people is the same. I have no way of knowing what's true for sure. Back to the subject of war, many argue that the war between the rebels and Military is wasteful. AlphaSlii_x himself said, "The war is a waste of talent of resources

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." Many agree with him. Why have a war where no one can win? They say. Sherlock seems to be looking for an end to this bloody conflict, while Huntsmania simply said, "I never want to see this war end." GrandDuke99 commented, saying:

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"Sometimes the rebels need to be taught a lesson. Otherwise, they just get picked on." I don't know if this is true, but I do know that if Vindex and Huntsmania DO NOT sign a treaty soon, we may face a civil war. As Benjamin Franklin once said,

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"There was never a good war or a bad peace."

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Huntsmania runs a rebel island at the follow coordinates:
XYZ: -1272.550/63.00000/-1446.337
On this island he has set up rebel training camps to train an army. Mantynator says that the rebels are going for

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the more diplomatic approach and they will stop fighting. However, Huntsmania and Krushgamz said nothing about it. Mantynator also said that the rebels are trying to ally themselves iwth Slitopia, AlphaSlii_x's nation. Huntsmania has made no comment on th

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e subject. Huntsmania said that the rebels fight Vindex "cuz Vindex is corrupt" Others agree with him because Vindex policemen have been known to wrongfully arrest people. Vindex government has also been known to pass laws that the people don't agree with

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. Huntsmania is currently pulling for his own nation. I think the rebels are fighting for a good cause, but they should use less violent methods. Special thanks to Huntsmania and Mantyter for letting me interview them.

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The bank. The principle of crime. The home of crime. Where all crime happens. Many say the bank is useless and unneccassary and just encourages crime. Many say the bank is fun... while others say it just encourages crime and debt. Many peti-

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tion for the bank to be removed, while others say it is what makes Vindex, Vindex. The bank is headed by MrBlocks2001. I think that the bank just pulls Vindex apart, but is 'fun'. How can Vindex repair itself with so much crime?

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"There is no such thing as a perfect nation. We just all do our best to make it as good as we can."
The Vindex government is headed by Dragon_12K, president of Vindex. Under him is CollinHH, AlphaSlii_x, GrandDuke99, etc.

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Congress makes the laws of Vindex, but many argue that Congress is corrupt. I say congress has wonderful people leading it. Many laws have been passed by Congress that the people don't agree with. One would be the ammo law, making ammo cost money.

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Statistics show that bank robberies have been 60% more common since the ammo act was passed, so you can see why people disagree. The people need to support Congress, otherwise the government will crash. AlphaSlii_x agrees that Congress needs the support

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of the people. Sherlock1010 said, and i qoute,
"There is no way we can function in a time of war without Congress." Congress is about unifying Vindex and making it safe once again. The Government, the rebels, the police, everyone needs to help repair Vind

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I recently interviewed WirelessPotato, the current police chief, and asked him some of the more common questions about the police. He was very thoughtful and gave great answers. The first question I asked him was "Are you loyal to the Vindex

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Government?" to which he relpied, "Wholeheartedly." he told me that the police were entirely loyal to the government and Congress. From the rest of the interview, I found that the police focused on helping the people keep the peace, but when I asked him i

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f some police were corrupt, he said, "I'd be lying if I told you no." Wireless is trustworthy, at least. I also asked him if he agrees with the gunpowder act, to which he said "yes." He also reported that the police were cracking down on drugs and somewha

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t cracking down on terrorism. But the most important questions I asked him was, "Should people's criminal histories be counted against them?" To which he said, "yes." This brings up the issue of us hiring murderers as police, mayors, and congressmen. How

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can we tun a city if the people running it are criminals? I agree with WirelessPotato's statement on criminal history, BUT i also asked him if people could change. "It is hard, but yes." he said. I also agree with him. People can change. We should always

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assume the best of people, rather than the worst. The police will always protect Vindex, (except when they're corrupt, and they are actually the reason Vindex is in danger. Anyone remember Enderhorse1?) and we can count on them.

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Vindex has many problems, all of which can be fixed if we will work together. As written in the musical, the "Man of La Mancha" we must "reach the unreachable star!" Anything would be possible if Vindex will unite. Let our great Nation be

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great once more!

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Sir_Monty_I lives in the Seasideappartments, and spends his time writing and preparing for the November election. In real life, he is an all A student who enjoys playing football, writing, watching politics, and talking with others.

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