"Gross Jokes 2" by Fire601

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-------------------Really, Really gross jokes, tongue twisters, and Riddles.
-------------------ATTENTION: The following tongue twisters, riddles and jokes are kid appropriate, this book is for all ages and full of humor
-------------------By: Fire601

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Teacher: remember this important rule, students. Do not. I repeat, do not put your fingers in your noses.

Student: Wow! This class has a strict picking order!

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Fred: I used to install toilets for a living

Ed: What happened?

Fred: I got fired for sitting down on the job.
-------------------What do you get if a sheep doesn't use deodorant?

ANSWER : Ewe stink

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-------------------Boy: What do I have to do to buy a tame skunk?

Pet Store Owner: Fill out an odor form.
-------------------Which famous cartoon dog smells awful?

ANSWER: Scooby Doo Doo

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Son: Why did you buy me a mechanical dog, Dad? I wanted a real dog.

Dad: A mechanical dog is better. You Never have to feed or walk it. Best of all, you dont have to house break a mechanical dog
Joke continued next pg -->

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Son: Is that so? Our mechanical dog just leaked oil on the carpet
-------------------Officer: Lady, your not allowed to walk your dog in this aread of the airport

Lady: Why Not?

Officer: Its a doody free zone

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-------------------KNOCK KNOCK!
Who's there?
Peking who?
Peking your nose is gross
-------------------Paris: My mother had cosmetic surgery on her face. Now she has a new nose

Harris: Did u help pick it?

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-------------------WHat does an octopus spend a LOT of money on?

ANSWER- Underarm deoderant
-------------------An old sister was grossed out when she saw her younger brother wipe his runny nose on his shirt sleave NEXT PG ->

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Sister: Ick! Thats disgusting! How would you like it if I did that?

Brother: No way! Use your own sleeve.
-------------------WHat did the hungry shark say when it saw a swimmer's hand in the water?

ANSWER- Ah, finger food

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-------------------Who smells bad and is in charge of the passing years?

ANSWER- Farter Time
-------------------What does a witch say after she bletches?

ANSWER: Hex-cuse me!


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What college did the Green Giant graduate from?

-------------------WHat do you get when 2 giants rams meet head on?

ANSWER- Really big butts

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-------------------Thx For Reading Gross Jokes 2!! DId You enjoy?? Msg Me Feed back!! Didnt read the first Gross jokes book! Msg Fire601 Its Only $20!!! Hope you enjoyed and got you money's worth of jokes! Stay Patient! Gross Jokes 3 Coming Soon!