"LL employee book" by LaughingCoder64

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HELLO Laughing Labortories employee
This is a guide that will teach you about saftey, applications, tests, and court cases. Read further to know the ins and outs of our facilities and how to become a wonderful scientist/Test subject

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pg5...Test Subjects
pg10...JOBS DONT MATTER except rebels maybe
pg14...Medical Stations

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For saftey reasons a Lab coat is highly preffered but not mandatory. Scientists if you do not own a lab coat it is fine although you do need some recignition. What you can do is take a leather helmet and dye it Blue and thats it. Test subjects can wear a

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Orange jumpsuit but again its not mandatory. You can also take a leather helmet and dye it Orange.

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Here at Laughing Laboratories we treat our Test Subjects with care. When you decide you want to become a Test Subject you can call LaughingCoder64
(LL CEO and founder) he will then tell you where to go and he will tell the 2 types that are going on

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for the month.

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For a month there will be 2 types of Tests going on such as strength or mental stability. Tests that will always be going on are the tests that test our products. Thats right we sell products for the country and for the citezens.

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When filling out to be a Test Subject it is reall easy all you have to do is call LaughingCoder64 and thats it. When wanting to become a scientist it will be much more difficult. You will be asked Minecraft questions like crafting recipes and ways to make

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certain potions using your Minecraft knloledge.

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Jobs dont matter unless your a doctor you might have a higher chance of bieng a scientist if your a doctor because a doctor deals with more medical equipment. If yoo are a rebel and you want to become a scientist goodluck but rebels can always be test

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subjects and test things out for us here at Laughing Laboratories

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Test subjects at the beginning of each test a contract will be handed to you that states in the possible events of injury or death you and your family can NOT take LL to court and that you put your life at risk everytime you decide to be a test subject.

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If you refuse to sign the contract you will be seated in the waiting room for a much safer test. Remember you decided to become a test subject

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Around the facility there will be Medical Stations to help you the best they can if the Medical Stations fail you will be rushed to the hospital and LL will gladly pay your medical bill. But dont worry the medical stations rarley fail.

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CONGRADULATIONS test subject/scientist you have finished your Laughing Laboratories guide. LL hopes this has helped you with our facilites and questions if you have any more questions call 113-029-3039