"The Cake 3" by Skampy500

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The Man and The Cake 3: Revenge

Perviously in The Man and The Cake 1 The ant stole the man's beloved cake. So the man calls a detective who is an idiot and the ant's father!
In The Man and The Cake 2 The detective and the ant die

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and the man is happy. The cake only attacked because he loved his master.

Now back to the story.

The cake shrunk back to size and is now coming home with the man. A wild dog comes up to the cake and eats it. The man has discovered that the

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cake has magical powers that noone knew of. If the secret got out the man would be killed. With the cake gone the dog became gigantic which can't be good. The dog was angry now because the whole world was now looking at him like he was an oaf.

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Slowly day after day the dog became angry and then the whole world was now under the rule of "The Devil Dog" which was a good name because he was wearing a devil costume. If you saw the dog your eyes would peel out of your head and into your butt. Ewwwww!

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the man said as the dog became bigger but then the dog started to shrink again and then the dog became a cake. The cake had never been truly gona the cake was going to make sure he would be on the Earth again. So now the man knew the cake would be with

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him forever.

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Written by Skampy500

~School Plastic Inc~