"2nd Batt Quiz" by snoopyfun

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2nd Battalion Quiz

1. What does the 2nd Battalion NOT do?

ยงยงA: Protect military bases
B: Protect VIP
C: Do detective work
D: Investigate crimminals

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2. How many parts of the 2nd Batt are there?

A: One
B: Two
C: Three
D: Four

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3. People in the 2nd battalion act as:

A: Secret service
B: Detectives
C: Congressmen
D: Doctors

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4. When finding information, what is an acceptable source?

A: A drug dealer
B: Gossip
C: Law enforcement agencies
D: A sandwhich

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5. Once you find information, what should you do?

A: Send it to your commander and alert people who may be affected
B: Nothing
C: Ignore it
D: Tell your best friend

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6. Name 2 acceptable information sources:

(Short Answer)

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7. In a short paragraph, summarize what we do.

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8. Name 3 things you do in the 2nd Battalion

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9. Compare and constrast the first and second battalions.

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10. Who leads SECCOM?

A: Mikester97