"Mental Illness" by Nora_Specter

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When it comes to mental illness, it isn't well addressed, especially in the gaming/online community. People don't recognize the results of their actions, or don't care. I have had players come to me and say they are having a panic attack or a bad day, but

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no one except me even attempts to help them. I don't know if it's the stigma, or lack of knowledge on how to deal with it. Consoling someone during hardship is one of the most human, caring, empathetic things one can do. Even in trying. You have no idea

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how you impact someone. By recognizing signs and taking action you could save someone's life in the non-digital world. If you notice someone is acting odd, ask them if they are ok. Don't take "I'm fine" as an answer. The question of "how are you" in

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american culture isn't a question, but a greeting. Therefore most people assume you aren't really asking them and they answer "I'm fine" to not burden you. If someone is considering suicide in real life, assure them that they are important and that the

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world would be worse off without them. If needed, get a mod to help them. Give them the National Suicide Lifeline number to call as well. If someone is bullying or harrassing someone else, report it! The victim might actually be hurt even if they aren't

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showing it. When it comes to panic attacks, don't invalidate the person's worries or anxieties. Tell them that whatever the panic attack is about is valid, and that it will be ok in the end. When the panic attack is over, help them with solving the

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problem. By doing these things you can and will save lives, even if you don't know it. Once you read this, pass it on. Let's make Vindex a safe place for those with mental illness.