"VIA INTEREST ZEZ" by zezzes

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zezzes : my past criminal background is really great i was warlord 8 terms in a row i was rebel for another 2 years as a commander and trainer of the rebellion I was gangster for a month or so I was a mobster for a few days in my days as a criminal I have

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did mutiple crimes including drugs bio weapons terrioism I have been on a few years of the VIA wacthlist for terroirsts and so has my rebellion my rebellion was put on the wacthlist of via as it was very aggresive im a very aggresive criminal no mercy u

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fuck up u die thats how it is o and as a trainer in the rebellion we have destoryed this one org it was named Hydra it was ran and owned by tony_merlyn I made my way into this group and tore it down from the inside the whole island is blew up and the

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tower they owned was tooken from them since i put in a tip or a annmoyus word of drugs in the tower and owner did not like this and took away the prop.

Doj background: I have been in the doj for alot ik how enforcing the law goes lemme give u a few

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titles on what i have been I have been Deputy Police Chief, Police Lead Trainer,
Swat Leader,
Head Detective,
I have been almost every vpd leadership rank and I did well with them intill someone found out something wat the vpdl did we made torture chamber

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s in the basement of vpd and we killed and excuted people down there 1 by 1 coal chambers and alot of other fun stuff lmao anways i been all police ranks too i was in the SS DEA DOC all them for a while ik my way around enforcing the law is wat im saying

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my weakness and Strenghs my weakness is paperwork and other stuff like that but my strrenghs would prob be my field work im great with pvp and i can end peoples life in one shot as well as tase them pretty easy so if i do get hired i wouldnt mainly

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do paper work olny if assigned to do I am against goverment Curruption and i will seek it out and shut it down As a via agent your main goal isnt to find information or being good at pvp or doing paper work its more of the trust the agency can put into u

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to keep it secert so i swear to keep every thing secert i have a court case on me aswell for my business weedinc. some legal issues of selling the weed wrong or some shit idk but thanks for reading this

- zezzes