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"ïVCTime 1/20/16" by snoopyfun
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VC Blocks News
------------------- In this issue:
(Pg 3-5) By:Snoopyfun
Rebels That are good?
(Pg 6-12) By:Snoopy
Doctors Are Drug Dealers?
(Pg 14-19) BY:Snoopy
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If you don't know, the rotten flesh raider is a the person who goes around the wild leaving a rotten flesh in a chest once he is finished raiding someone. The rotten flesh raider has raided multiple amounts of people
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not everyone knows about him though because he is only in the wild. I have searced through the wild and I have found traces of him in almost every raid, leaving signs saying "You have been raided, I leave my mark the rotten flesh" Some times saying "You
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should be honored". The person behind the rotten flesh raider has not been found yet. But this is a warning to everyone. Be careful because the rotten flesh raider can raid your underground wild base easily. Keep your items safely hidden.
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Recently, I saw in chat that a person (gintam3) said that rebels can be good. I questioned her further.
ME: Do you believe rebels can be good?
GINTAM3: I know rebels can be good.
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ME: Ok but the job, isn't the job supposed to be for rebels?
ME: Aren't they againsnt the city? Protesting?
GINTAM3: I am protesting, againsnt the corruption.
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ME: But rebels CAN be good?
Then I asked, 4Greedo, who claimed he was a former rebel warlord.
ME: Do you think rebels can be good?
4GREEDO: I don't think
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they can be good"
ME: Ok that wouldn't make sense right?
4GREEDO: I KNOW that they can be good.
ME: oh
4GREEDO: Because I was warlord and made them good.
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ME: But isn't that against their job?
4GREEDO: Their job is to protest peacefully and fight in warfare.
Not to rob banks and sell drugs.
ME: Yes I know. But they still do that
4GREEDO: So do doctors, and lawyers,
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and the others"
ME: So what do you think of Hargles? The new rebel leader?
4GREEDO: I haven't seen him in action, but he doesn't seem to be to self aware.
(I decided to end this conversation here)
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So there you have it, 2 rebels already think that rebels can be good, What do you think?
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Quick Ad:
------------------- I am selling a hangar (hangar 103) for a cheap price of $35,000 (35k) just go to the hangar areas, look for my hangar, and ask me to sell it when im online. Mail (/mail send) or message me for more info. (Snoopyfun)
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You have probably heard of the rumor that all doctors are drug dealers, I guess that is semi- true. Some doctors are drug dealers but not all of them. Some doctors are nice, caring, doctors. They don't all want to sell
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you the latest "Cyanide, the easy way out" but I guess some of them do. I interviewed some doctors to see what they thought.
ME: You know when people say that doctors are drug dealers?
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ME: (I talked to her saying that this is important for the news paper.)
ALLEYCAT000: Its not true.
(Long waiting)
ME: Is that all?
ALLEYCAT000: I think
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that is very stupid for them to judge like that.
I also interviewed ScoutTheBunny.
ME: What do you think when people say "Doctors are drug dealers"
SCOUTTHEBUNNY: They aren't unless they are.
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(I ask SCOUT what (s)he really thinks)
SCOUTTHEBUNNY: I think doctors aren't drug dealers but a few of us are misguided and they take the wrong path.
Thats a pretty good answer. But just like the REBELS ARE GOOD news, what do you
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think? Are doctors drug dealers or nice people who treat wounds? OR BOTH.
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That is all for now, thanks for reading