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"Contract" by AmazingGecko
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Upon signature of this lawfully-binding contract, the two parties Edward J. Smith (AmazingGecko) and William P. Barr (William_Barr; legal names and users subject of 2/15/2020) shall be subject to the following articles.
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Article I - Property Valuation
The property CollinTower1 shall be subject to a value of $3,000,000. The property CollinTower1 shall be subject to a value of $3,000,000. Upon signature of this contract, Edward Smith will lawfully
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transfer the property to William Barr after payment of the $1,000,000 has been sent and the AreaShop ownership of the property will be transferred to William Barr, however, $2,000,000 worth of the total value of the property shall be under the legal
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ownership of Edward Smith. When a documented $2,000,000 has been transferred from William Barr to Edward Smith, William Barr will retain legal ownership of CollinTower1 and this legal contract shall cease to exist.
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Article II - Property Surrenderance
Upon the request of Edward Smith, the property CollinTower1 shall be lawfully transferred back to Edward Smith upon the transfer of the $1,000,000 down payment in addition
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to documented funds sent by William Barr to Edward Smith for the purpose of paying for the tower to William Barr. William Barr will surrender all legal rights to CollinTower1 and AreaShop ownership will be transferred
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to Edward Smith. Upon the successful documented transfer of $1,000,000 with any additional funds placed onto the property and CollinTower1, this legal contract shall cease to exist.
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Versatility Clause: Upon the request of William Barr, the $1,000,000 down payment in addition to documented funds sent to Edward Smith for the purpose of paying for the tower shall be lawfully transferred back to William Barr upon the transfer
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of the property CollinTower1 back to Edward Smith. William Barr will surrender all legal rights to CollinTower1 and AreaShop ownership will be transferred to Edward Smith. Upon the successful documented transfer of $1,000,000
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with any additional funds placed onto the property and CollinTower1, this legal contract shall cease to exist.
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Article III - Documentation
The burden of documentation shall rest on both parties. Shall either party fail to provide adequate documentation in a court of law,
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the other party shall have the benefit of the doubt, provided they have adequate documentation. Documentation may come in the form of video recording or screenshots including a valid date and time in a screenshot
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time and date format (screenshot on recording or a double screenshot is taken).
By signing this document, I, Edward Smith (AmazingGecko), hereby legally sign, confirm, and approve of this legally binding contract on 3/2/2020 at 6:36 PM EST.