"Endless Journey" by cmk856

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It was a dark night, as Tony ran through the woods, trying to evade the monsters that came closer and closer. He knew he may not make it out, but he was going to go out in a fight!

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(One week earlier)
It was a bright, sunny day, when Tony was roaming around the village of Calshia. His dad is the Baron of the village, which is very tiny, compared to others such as Antonie or Untine.

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When Tony saw something at the front gates, he went to investigate, because he was curious. When he was walking over, the gates exploded! Soon, enemies marched in and stormed the small village.

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Tony's dad immediately helped defend Tony. Tony watched his father fight, he was probably the best swordsman of all time! Soon, his dad was outnumbered, a four on one. Tony's dad fell, but without a fight.

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The village soon fell to pieces as it was destroyed and burned by an unknown attacker, with a sword and bow on their backs. Soon, Tony was found in a cave as he went to scavenge.

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Tony is found, as he goes out to look for food, and trys to run. He runs through the woods, trying to avoid his attackers. As he turned around to fight, there were no men, but monsters?! Tony wan't going to die easily so he

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Made a stand. On the monsters came, he took over his dad's skills, and when he was being attacked, was tough. He got slashed and bit, but he never gave up. Soon, a cloud rolled overhead. He was curious,

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But learned never to get distracted. This cloud came down and destroyed all the monsters in seconds! Tony ran, but something spoke "Stop." It said. Tony stopped, and was confused.

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"Why come for me, WHY?" He thought.
As it spoke with wisdom, it was also powerful, "You are to be recruited up, no arguing." Up flew Tony, scared to see what awaited him...

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