"The dark" by MrBlocks2001

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This is a choose your own adventure book. If you've never heard of them, you get a choice of what page to choose on the bottom of the page. On the next page, I will tell you the story of you and the world around you.

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===================You live in the small town of Ragnaga on the island of Silencia. This island has many monsters, and it's dangerous to go around without a weapon. You are a brave, young adventurer who wants to rid the island of

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all the monsters that ravage the land. You heard a rumour that there was a portal in the mountains in the north that teleported monsters in from the underworld. Dragons, goblins, orcs and more. These monsters all have one master. Nobody knows their name.

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You plan on finding this person and ridding them from Silencia.

Your story starts on the next page.

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You wake up to the smell of boar meat. It seems the town is holding the weekly barbecue.
===================If you go to the barbecue, turn to page 6.
If you stay in bed, go to page 8.

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Boar meat! Woo! You sprint down to the fire and get handed a boar leg by your best friend, Alfheim, who is eating a bigger boar leg. You both sit down and enjoy the food. After eating until you were stuffed, you decided it was time for some sparring with

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Alfheim. You pick up a massive wooden broadsword, while he goes for a longsword and shield. It looks like he's going for a defensive stance.
===================Break his defence with power! Page 9.
He's bluffing. Defend! Page 10.

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You decide that even though you love boar meat, you're too tired today, and you want to sleep in. You end up waking up 4 hours later when your friend, Alfheim bursts in! He apologises for waking you up.
===================Turn to page 11.

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Power is the solution to everything! You swing your sword with all the might you have... but he dodges, striking you in the arm. "I win!" he brags. You accept your defeat and move on.
===================Turn to page 12.

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You pretend to go for brute force, when Alfheim goes for a big swing at you! You quickly defend and counter him, striking his leg. "Good job! I lost this time." he says.
===================Turn to page 12.

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After fully waking up, you think it's a good time to actually eat something, considering you missed breakfast. You eat some bread and vegetables, then you leave your house.
===================Turn to the next page.

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You walk to the town entrance with Alfheim. You equip yourself with your armour and weapons, and walk out the gate. You heard there was a dungeon filled with goblins nearby. You also heard about a ring that was stolen by a goblin, and there was a reward

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for getting it back. There was some other treasure in there already, which you were going in there for anyway.
===================If you go in, guns blazing, turn to the next page.
If you sneak around to find the ring, turn to page 15.

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You sprint in, yelling your battle cry... until both you and Alfheim are killed by goblins. You are sniped by a crossbow, while Alfheim was stabbed. You and your friend will never be seen again...


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You quietly sneak in, and surprisingly, the ring was right near the entrance. You decide not to risk death and sneak back out with the ring. After putting it on, you realise it is a magic ring, with healing powers. All of your scratches and cuts heal, and

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when you point it at Alfheim, it heals all of his cuts too.
===================Precious... keep the ring! Turn to the next page.
Return the ring to it's owner, and collect the reward. Turn to page 18.

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You think the ring must be worth more than the 10,000 gold pieces reward, and keep it for yourself. What you don't think is that the ring controls the wearer's mind after wearing it for too long.


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You leave the ring where the poster said to, under a parked carriage near the town's outskirts. Underneath, you find the 10,000 gold pieces promised, and a note.
"Thank you for returning the ring. I actually don't want it. The ring is dangerous in the

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hands of goblins, as it is a magical healing ring. You may have already noticed this by now, but wearing it for a long period of time will make it control the user's mind. Goblins are immune to this though. Take the gold, and keep the ring." You follow

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the advice, and keep the ring. Good thing you didn't use it for your own good that much.
===================Head for the Elven town of Emodor. Turn to the next page.
Go to the Dwarven town of Tipsia. Turn to page 22.

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You start walking east, to the town of Emodor, where many elven archers live, who you hope to befriend.
That hope is quickly destroyed when you realise they don't like humans, and kill you as soon as you get there.


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You start walking to the Dwarven town of Tipsia. The first thing you see there is a tavern. The second thing you see is a lot of drunk people. The third thing you see is a rich bartender. Trying to befriend any of the dwarfs would be useless. The only

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person you might be able to befriend is the bartender. There is a horrible violin player in the background though, and your ears feel like they're about to bleed. ===================Ignore it. Turn to the next page.
MY EARS! STOP! Turn to page 27.

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You and Alfheim walk up to the bartender, horrible music in the background. "Anything I can do for ya?" He asks. You ask if he is any good with weapons. "Well, I'm pretty good with axes." he says. After a long chat, he tells you his name is Gimlick, and

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that he wants to join you on the adventure... if you could drink 10 of his most potent alcohol. You accept the bet.
10 "Beers" later you realise you already got extremely drunk, only after the first one. You feel sick, you have a headache, but you put the

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ring on, and it all disappears. "So the ring fixes sickness too..." you think to yourself. You see Alfheim still hasn't recovered and is sleeping soundly. You use the ring on him, and he wakes up, feeling much better.
===================Turn to page 28.

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You sprint up to the violinist, ears actually bleeding. You take the violin and snap it in half, only to realise the dwarfs liked the music. They all literally beat you and Alfheim to a pulp.


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You walk to Gimlick, taking the ring off, making sure not to keep it on for too long. He sees you already recovered from the "Beer" and is very impressed! He joins you immediately and grabs his axes.
Turn to the next page.

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Your next destination is the mountain range in the north. Where the boss of the creatures lives. Since it's a bit away, you take a carriage there. On the way, you see a traveling salesman who is selling some rare swords for exactly 10,000 gold!
You buy

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this sword called "Dragonfang". It has a serrated blade, for extra damage, and a handle that looks like a dragon breathing fire. Since Gimlick is so rich from his tavern, he buys Alfheim and himself some better weapons too. 3 days later, you reach a fork

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in the road, and the carriage driver doesn't know which way to go. He asks you to choose.
===================Left! Turn to the next page.
Right! Turn to page 33.
Center! Turn to page 34.

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You turn left, and then see the mountains straight ahead! This might be a tough battle, but you know you can make it, because you have a party of 3 people.
===================Stop by the nearby town! Turn to page 35.
ATTACK! Turn to page 36.

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You turn right... and fall into a pitfall which falls onto spikes, killing your party and your driver.


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You stay in the center road, which starts going right, when you realise there is another fork in the road. This time, it's left or right, but the left side is blocked off. You need to go right.
===================Turn to the previous page.

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You stop by the town called Death Village. A very ominous name. It was probably called this because of how close it was to the mountains. You go to the inn, and buy tons of food for everyone, and a bed for the night.
===================Turn to page 37.

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You start sprinting to the mountains! They aren't THAT far away... are they? You, Gimlick and Alfheim later die of starvation because you never had any food except for breakfast 4 days ago.


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After staying the night, and stuffing yourself, you take another carriage to the mountains. He stops when he reaches the point where it's too dangerous. "Good luck!" he says, as you walk up the mountain.
===================Turn to the next page.

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After a few minutes of walking up the mountain, 5 orcs attack you! You need to do something, quick!
RUN AWAY!! Turn to the next page.
Stand your ground! We can take them! Turn to page 39.

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You sprint as fast as you can, away from the orcs, and luckily, it worked. You actually managed to run to the entrance to the mountain, where the boss lived. You bash the doors down, killing 2 orcs in the process, and you start walking up to the boss...

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"WHO ARE YOU?!" He shouts. "We're here to kill you!" Alfheim says. You see a strange "Self-destruct" button on the wall of the cave. ===================That's probably a fake button... attack! Turn to the next page.
Push the button! Turn to page 42.

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You ignore the button and go to attack the boss, only to find out he is an elven child, using a voice changer. You can easily beat him! He is evil, after all.
===================Kill the elf! Turn to page 43.
Spare him! Turn to page 44.

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The boss starts turning arou- SELF DESTRUCT SEQUENCE INITIATED! You sprint out, and the base explodes behind you. Too bad you didn't have any shades to put on.
===================Turn to the next page.

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The boss is dead! It turned out he was an evil elven child, but he was evil anyway. Now that he is dead, all the monsters are friendly! This wasn't what you were expecting, but it's kind of better, in a way.
Turn to page 45.

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You try to convince him to stop! You can't kill him, he's a kid! He agrees, and says he'll stop... but as soon as you start walking away, he uses a magic spell, instantly killing you and your party.


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You are now a hero, and so are your friends. The elves are now hated across the land, as they knew the plan all along, and wanted to take over the island. Silencia is now safe, and so are all the towns... except for all elven towns. You are often talked

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about by drunk dwarfs in taverns, and if you walk in one, you are instantly given free gold, jewellery, "Beer", and more! The same thing happens in your town too, and any town, for that matter! You have saved the island of Silencia, and everyone on it.

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You have finally reached...


(The good end, at that.)