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"BANNER SHOP" by ella12345123456
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Each banner will be priced differently depending on the colours, and how much of each colour.
Making Dyes --->
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Making Dyes
Red: Red Flower
Yellow: Yellow Flower
Green: Cactus
Blue: Lapus
Brown: CoCo Beans
Black: Ink Sack
White: Bone Meal
Extra Dyes --->
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Exta Dyes
Orange: Red+Yellow
Pink: Red+White
Purple: Red+Blue
Magenta: Pink+Purple
Cyan: Green+Blue
Lime: Green+White
Light Blue: Blue+White
Grey: Black+White
DarkGrey: Grey+Black
Costs --->
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Cost are based off of price of colour and amount.
(cost of colour) + (amount of colour) = Price
Dye Costs --->
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Dye Costs
Red: $1
Yellow: $5
Green: $2
Blue: $11
Brown: $3
Black: $3
White: $2
Special Dye Cost --->
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Special Dye Cost
Orange: $6
Pink: $3
Purple: $12
Magenta: $15
Cyan: $13
Light Blue: $13
Lime: $4
Grey: $5
Dark Grey: $8
Flat Rate Costs --->
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Flat Rate Costs
(any colour)
Plain Banner: $5
Pattern Banner: $12
(Found on MC wiki)
Custom Banner: Vary
Golden Apple: $8107
Thank You --->
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Thank You
Thank you for your coperation. If you have any questions just ask Eller.
Hope we are sucsessful