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"The Owls Plan" by Yiroh
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There once was a group of owls, they lived in a pack or a group. Their leader was a great horned owl name Thor! He was old and wise. Not many owls understood why in all stories, the leaders are old and wise but thats just how it worked for the owls. They
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made a base in a big oak tree in the forest which most owls called home. The tree had 4 levels and the top was only for Thor and people he alowed. One day while he was talking to the co-leader, a crashing sound was heard outside of their tree!
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From what they could see, it looked like the big mean woodchuck. Mr. Woodchuck thought that the woods and the pond nearby, should be his. Nobody really liked him because he was selfish. As I was saying, he was using his shark teeth and was cutting at the
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tree! Thor exclaimed
Stop! This is where we live! You will ruin our homes!
Mr. Woodchuck replyed
Well i need a home to you know.. i need this wood for my home at the pond!
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All of the owls came together and told him that there was plenty of other trees he could use. Mr. Woodchuck insisted he could only have one type of wood and this tree was the only one with it. So all the owls got together in a group with Thor
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to descuss the problem. They all decided they would send a search party out to find the right wood so they could keep their homes.
The Jouney was long and hard but they knew they had to keep going. Finaly a owl spotted the right kind of wood and they
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sent a letter back with one owl to go north and bring Mr. Woodchuck because they found the right wood for him.
(1 day later)
Finaly when Mr. Woodchuck got there
they showed him the wood
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and he stuttered
wa wa woah you actully found another tree! I thought they went extint... I guess i owe u a sorry. I didnt think about your homes. All i wanted was to have everything.
All the owls helped out
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getting more and more wood until there was plenty to build a home out of. They all lived happily, and peacfully, ever after!
The End
Moral- Always think about others then about you