"Legend. pt. 1" by Enfer

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Lake Sector:

Comic book
Apologies for typos.

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John: Mom's not going to be home from work in time to see you off.

Don't worry, Daniel. I'll be waiting for you at the stadium when they let you out.

You've got dad's pedant, right? It's good luck.

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John: Hey, You've got nothing to worry about, if a dummy like me can pass their trial, you'll breeze through, no problem. Then you'll come work with me at the steam plant
Keep your chin up, All right?

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Daniel: Sure, John.

*Daniel and John hug
*Skip a scene, Daniel is talking to Person 1

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Person 1: Daniel Altan Wing.. It says here you enjoy History, what else do you like doing in school?

Daniel: Reading

Person 1: Very nice. And what do you think of our illustrious elector primo?..

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Daniel: He's a good man and a great leader

Person 1: Good. Good.

*Skip scenes, Daniel is taking the test

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*Daniel's thoughts*
That wasn't so hard. I know i aced it. Mom probably cut her hand again. I'll help her make dinner tonight-

Person 2: Come with me

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*Daniel's thoughts*
What's going on?

Person 1: Wait here.

Person 2: Okay, i want all of you to file out this door and i don't want any pushing or shoving.

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*Daniels thoughts* This is bad, this is really really bad.
//Daniel looks out a window to see john waiting at the stadium.
Daniel hits the window

Daniel: John!!
I can't believe it, i failed my trial. They're sending me to labor camps.

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*Skips scene to Daniel in a hospital with 3 doctors around him*

Daniel: Let me go! Stop it! Why aren't you sending me to the camps!?
STOP! Please stop! Ple-

Doctor 1: I think you killed him.

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* Doctors go and through Daniel's body in a dark room along with many other kids*
//Time passes.

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Daniel: I'm... alive?
//Daniel stands up
Someone made a mistake-
-And i'm going to make sure the Republic regrets it.

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//Scene set on Daniel's house, a red mark is on his door, his brother John and Daniel's mother come out crying, scene moves to the window where Daniel's little brother, Eden, is coughing*

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//Scene switches to Daniel sitting by a window looking at his house

Daniel: It's Eden, Tess. He's got the plague.
He doesn't lool too bad yet, but...

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Daniel: I've never seen a plauge symbol like that.

Tess: What are you going to do?

Daniel: It could be a new kind of plauge. A more virulent strain.

Tess: Day

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Tess: What are you gonna do?

Daniel: I'm going to get Eden some meds.

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//Scene switches to June Iparis climbing a sky scaper, while staring at a helecopter heading her way

*Pilot points to June* There! There she is.

//June stares back at the helicopter while climbing, trying to get farther up

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*Helicopter shoots out a net, capturing June*

June: Heh. Fourteen floors, in six minutes, Forty-four seconds, twenty seconds better than before, not bad.

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//Scene switches to June and Metias walking out of a building

Metias: Suspended for a week? You want to explain this to me June? I get back from spending all morning dealing with patriot rebels and what do i hear about?

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Metias: My little sister scaling a skyscraper- A skyscraper!!

//June and Metias hop in a car

Metias: What were you thinking? You're fifteen! You wandered right off campus!

June: Hey Thomas

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//Tips hat.

Metias: KJust once, i would just appreciate it if you'd let me do my daily tours of duty without worrying myself sick over whatever you're up to.

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Where to, sir?

Just home, Thomas. Thanks.

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Metias: You really scared me today, I was afraid they'd mistake you for day and shoot you.

June: Hey, Ollie.
Oh please, as if anyone would let anything happen to the Republic's favorite little prodigy

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June: Rumor has it, day once scaled five stories in less than eight seconds
If the Republic's most wanted criminal can pull that off, then how are we ever going to catch him if we're not just as fast?


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Metias: I'll be home last tonight. I'm overseeing the lab LA Central. And no, you can't come with me.

June: You know..
...If you'd just take me along on some of your mission, i'd probably stay out of trouble.

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Metias: Nice try. You're not going anywhere until you graduate from Draje abd get assinged to your own patrol
//Metias messes up Junes hair
Metias: Love you, Junebug

June: I'm not going to wait up for you!

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//Scene changes to Daniel peeking at LA Central Hospital

//Takes out a vial of fake blood and smears it in hair and clothes
//Daniel wobbles up to hospital guards faking an injury,

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Daniel: Ooowww....
Can i be admitted, cousin? I can pay.

Hospital guard 1:
Pat him down

Daniel: Be carful.. my stomach!

Hospital guard 1: Waiting room's on the left, have a seat.

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//Daniel walks in bleeding and stumbles onto another Hospital guard, secretly taking an ID Card from the guard.

Daniel: I need a bathroom!

Hospital guard 2: Over there! Touch me again and i'll shoot you.

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//Daniel walks into the bathroom fake groaning.
He takes of the clothes with fake blood to reveal a tan uniform, he wipes the fake blood off and jumps into a vent in the ceiling.

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//Scene changes to Daniel jumping out of a vent into another room filled with cures and doctors, Daniel grabs a man and holds a knife to his neck

Daniel: Every one stay back!
*Daniels thoughts*
He must be a new recruit.

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Hospital guard 3: Release the doctor! Put your hands up!

Daniel: /Whisper/ I won't hurt you, where are the plague cures?
Show me

//Scared recruit points his eyes towards the cures.

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//Scared recruit unlocks the case to the cures and a siren goes off

//Daniel pushes the recruit to the ground and runs

//Hospital guard 3 holds his gun up along with other guards

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//Daniel grabs the cures and jumps over a staircase railing, running to a door and attempting to open it

Daniels thoughts//
It's locked
No time... They'll be right behind me any second now-
//Daniel spots a window

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//Daniel runs towards the window with his foot out, smashing the glass and jumping out the window

Daniel's thoughts//
Knees bent- Feetfirst- Relax muscles- Hit with heels of feet- Roll!!!

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//Daniel hits the ground with a few crackle noises.

Daniel's thoughts//
Ribs.. Broken.. My arm- Owwww!

//Daniel looks around for an escape rout.

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Daniel: A manhole- good. Gotta get... underground. gotta head back to Lake Sector-

Metias: Freeze! Stay where you are!

//Metias points a gun at Daniel

Metias: Hand up! You're under arrest.

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Daniel: You're not going to take me alive.

Metias: I'd be happy to take you in dead, if you prefer

//Daniel throws 2 knifes towards Metias and runs, not knowing if it hit or not,
Daniel escapes through the manhole

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//Scene changes to June in Ruby Sector, June and Metias's home.
June hears a voice at her door

Thomas: Ms. Iparis?

June: Who is it?

Thomas: Commander Jameson has requested that you

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come with me to the Hospital.

June: Why? where is my brother?

//Thomas rubs his neck and faces the ground, hesitating

Thomas: I'm sorry, he's been killed

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//Scene switches to the outside of the Hospital, the crime scene.
Commander Jameson:
Move it, Iparis, time is of the essence

June: Yes, Commander Jameson.

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Commander Jameson:
Your brother, Metias, is dead.
I'm of the understanding that you are almost done with your agent training, correct?
What was your trial score?

June: Fifteen hundred

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Commander Jameson: Ah that's right. the prodigy, the only student in the history of the Republic to earn a perfect score. Excellent.

//June looks at Metias's dead body

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Commander Jameson: All right, Cadet, consider this a pop quiz, Analyze the crime scene.

//June looks over Metias's dead body

June: Whoever hit him with this knife either stabbed him from a close range-

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-or has an incredible throwing arm.
Incredible aim
Whoever did this survived a two-and-a-half-story jump and still had enough strength to escape.
Thats where he made his get away.

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Commander Jameson:
I;m going to give you a few minutes to collect your thoughts, meet me in two minutes in the third-floor stairwell.

//Jameson stares down at Metias

Commander Jameson: What a waste of a good soilder.

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//June leans down and whispers to Metias

June: You should have taken me with you

June's thoughts//
I swear.. I will hunt you down, i will scour the streets of Los Angeles for you. Search every street in the Republic

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if i have to.
I will trick you and decieve you, lie, cheat and steal to find you. Tempt you out of your hiding place, and chase you until you have nowhere else to run.
Your life is MINE.

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Part 2 coming soon!
