"A New Vindex" by TyMiner64

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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-A New Vindex
Written By: Tyminer64
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Vindex Nation is one of the failing servers that I have played, But for some reason it makes it impossible to leave. I guess it inspires me to step up & actually give players the

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server they deserve.
This book will explain in sections, All of Vindex's flaws & how I am making a difference for the better.



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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Government System
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Vindex Nation needs to see the truth of thier failing Government System. If they even have one. Maybe its because our President doesnt care. There are just not enough Government Officials around

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to make the difference that could change Vindex Nation for the better. Let me go more in depth of how little the Government cares for the players of Vindex Nation. The laws of Vindex Nation are decided by the Players. As stated in the Pocket guide, Vindex

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Nation is a Republic! Meaning that the supreme power is held by the People & thier ELECTED Represent-
atives. This means laws are to be decided by the people & ELECTED President or Gov.
Official. Now I am going to ask you when the last time the People of

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Vindex Nation, Part of a Republic, Have came together with Gov. Officals & decided or
debated on new laws. I can tell you right now that a decent court session hasent even occured in ages. Dragon simply does not care. He just wants to be superior to

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the Players of Vindex Nation Therefore he will do anything possible to keep the corrupt Government from changing. This means that all Gov. Officials are, Well official. They are not to be Elected but according to the Dictionary, A republic is to have an

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ELECTED President or
Government Officials.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Note: This book is not for those who do not plan on taking a stand. This book is not a Rebelion act but it is a simple informant book meant for those who take interest in helping Vindex

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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Lies And Excuses
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Lies. Everything the
Government has told you has been lies. Excuses. We worship Dragon_12dk. We are blinded by his power.
Let me tell you this Vindex. He is lieing. He is Manipulating you.

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Dragon_12dk has you convinced that in this Republic, Goverment officials are chosen by the Non-Elected president. I know you are laughing at me saying that I am wrong. I have read the Pocket guide. I know what it says. It states that Vindex Nation is a

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Dictorial Republic. Lies. Dragon_12dk I suggest you stop making shit up because I am on to you. & anyone that reads this book will be to. All readers I want you to go on Google.Ca/Com.
Search up [Dictorial Republic] No such thing exists.

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Dragon_12dk needs to make his choice. Is it a Republic or a Dictatorship? Looks like the second one to me. A Republic has its Goverment Officials ELECTED. Looks like a Dictatorship to me, I sure wasnt around when Dragon_12dk was Elected, Oh wait, He wasnt

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Vindex I ask you now, What is your answer? Do you want to live in a Republic where the Government officials are Elected fairly & laws are selected & debated on fairly by both, The People & Government Officials. Or do you want to live in the very thing

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That we fear. A Dictatorship. No Election. The President is willing to kill anyone who doubts him. Beliefs are decided by him. Laws. Not up to us at all. Freedom. Doesnt exist. Our President will go by Leader. Your freedom & rights will be drained before

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You to ensure you do not step up to your leader. Do you want to live in a Dictatorship Vindex? We are headed down that road & I see the end of that road. We can setup a road block to stop Dragon_12dk from crossing that road by Standing up to him.

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No Excuses will be accepted. We need an explination as to why our President would make up a fake way of living (Dictorial Republic) In order to fool you into thinking you are safe. Its not to late. Dont let big words with lots of Verbs fool you into

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Thinking it is a leggit way to live. There is absoloutly NO trace of A Dicorial Republic anywhere on the internet.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Next Page for the final chapter. Authors note on page 19.
Please Read it through -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-My Question To You
I will ask you Vindex, Will you join me in my quest for Freedom? Will you stand together to form an alliance to fight for what is rightfully ours? We must Take action. Now or never Vindex.

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-------------------Authors Note:
-------------------Writing this book lead me to some dead ends. But once I got the first page down, I couldnt stop typing. I have said roughly 10% of what I have to say. I believe in everything I said & will not stop

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untill we get our Rights back. Please note that ALL money I recieve for this book series will be going towards the cause. Be sure to buy the Next book when it comes out!
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-THANKS FOR READING
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Written By: Tyminer64