"SurvivingTheEnd" by Andrew2001lb

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How To Survive The Fall Of Vindex

Chapter One-Intro

Riots,diseases,overpopulation,droughts,and rebels. These are all factors of an upcoming fall of the powerful Vindex Goverment. Lately in Vindex Nation there has been an increase of all of

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factors listed, wich means one thing. THE FALL OF VINDEX IS NEAR! Some of the questions in you head could be "how do I survive the fall of Vindex?What do I do to prepare myself?How do I know when it will happen?"These are all good questions that are asked

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I'm just here to answer those Questions.

Table of Contents

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Chapter One-Intro

Chapter Two- Being prepared

Chapter Three-Being Informed

Chapter Five-ReCivilization

Chapter Six-Scavenging

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Chapter Two-Being Prepared

To survive the upcoming economic collapsethe most important step is being prepared. One of the best ways of being pepared is by stocking up on food and water. Make sure that when you stock up on food and water that you

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have enough for you and whoever is staying with you for at least 2 years. Another great way to be prepared is by building a shelter to survive in. Research shows that the best shelter material is obsidian for its high blast resistance and its fire-proof

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walls. When stocking up your shelter remember to also bring along some medical supplies and some weapons and aurmor to help defend your shelter beacause things might get rough.

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Chapter Three-Being Informed

It is extremely inportant to be informed befor a disaster happens. Always tune into the radio and pay attention to the news because it is most likely they will find out befor you. In a scenario as a disater

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the news or radio would most likely give a 60 second warning at least, so you better run fast.

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After a disaster there is a big chance that most of the population would be wiped out. In this event there would be no functioning markets or shops. The best way to get you food from then on is through farming. Hopefully

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when stocking your shelter you packed some dirt,seeds,water, and tools. With these basic supplies a person can easily set up a basic survival garden to grow their own food.

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Chapter Five-Scavenging

One of the most efficiant ways of getting food after a disaster is by scavenging for supplies. When scavenging for supplies only take what you need and always take armour and a weapon with

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you, preferably a gun, in case you run into any trouble.

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Now that you have learned the basics of surviving the fall of Vindex go start stocking up on supplies, build your shelter,and stay informed.
