"Zacks Test" by zackmasterflash

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1: B
2: C
3: B
4: C
5: A

6: Intelligence agencies and Law enforcement agencies are two acceptable information sources.

7: ----->

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7: We collect and analyze information based off of requests form, of information records, complaints, forensic studies, criminal stats, biometric data, inquires, surveys, inspections, assessments, incidents, and criminal enviorments.

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We also punish or give detention to those within the army who break rules.

8: Collect Information and Information Analysis; Conduct detainee operations/Detention for Soilders; and Investigate Criminals.

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9: First battalion deals with Security and Mobility. Such as protecting the VIP (i.e. GOTA).
Second Battalion deals with intelligence operations, detention operations, and Military law. Such as investing criminals.

10: Yes, very.