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"do not read" by Lucky_Horse_Shoe
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Dear Diary,
Today at school I was sitting in class and the guy that I like kept looking over at me and smiling. I was so happy but the sad thing is, is that he has a girlfriend but if he asked me out I would TOTALLY say yes! Like duh!
Love, Camille
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Dear Diary,
So today I was driving my taxi with Ashlyn and a cop drove up to pull us over. He was a major dick. I plan on mugging someone without Ashlyn because I'm afraid she will kill me too. She's evil!!!
Love, Camille
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Dear Diary,
So today I fell in love with Marcus Watts from school. He is so Dreamy!!! I love him to peices but the only other problem is that another guy asked me to the homecoming dance. Why can't Ashlyn take Reece!?
Love, Camille
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Dear Diary,
Ashlyn wants to throw party so bad so I am going to throw her a suprise party!! I'm super excited and I am going to make it the best party ever but I need to bring people she knows.
Love, Camille
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Dear Diary,
So Ashlyn is off on vacation so while she is gone I bought another house that we can use as a party house or a shop to bring in extra money. I'm so excited to fix it up and show her.
Love, Camille.