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"SouthPaul Menu" by FuryFalcon12
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------------------- SouthPaul
Apple Cider $80
Vodka $50
Russian Vodka $100
Spicy Rum $50
Beer $30
Fine Beer $45
Mead $85
Golden Rum $150
Champaing $150
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Beer #2 $300
Golden Mead $75
Apple Juice $5
Soda $5
Coffee $5
Steak $3
Mellon $1
Salmon $15
Cook Pork $3
Pufferfish $30
Bread $2
Cooked Fish $5
Baked Potato $2
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Cooked Chicken $3
Cake $3
Cookie $1
Pumpkin Pie $3
-------------------Want to add something to the menu do /msg FuryFalcon12 he will send a message back!