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"Contract" by R6E
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By The end of each
day if i am willing i will
pay R6E a amount of
money i am comfertable
with saving within the
The Money saved within
the account can only
be spent if [MrRevix]
And [Mad_Mans_Foot]
Agree on what they
want to buy.
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The account that is
being used as a money
storage belongs to
[MrRevix] but is being
shared untill [MrRevix]
no longer wants to
use the account as a
In the case that
[MrRevix takes away
Permission To the
account [R6E] The
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Money on the account
will be split between
[MrRevix] And
If Either [MrRevix] Or
spend the money
without both partys
agreeing on what its
spent on, the person
that spent the money
will be sued and owe
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all the money back that they spent.