"Toxin B-11" by plainmnm

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The scientists thought that they were being smart when they tryed to get a cure for Ebola, but what they ended up getting was a disaster. In the year 2017, doctors and scientists at Yale univeristy were trying to find the cure for Ebola which has spread

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majorly since 2014, now infecting millions of innocent citizens. There are new side effects since 2014 such as, Insanity, Total Organ Failure, and a 100% fatality rate. It has gone from killing 2 people to over 50 million people. It is soon to be known as

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"The Laughing Killer".
It went wrong when Thomas Young accidently put the vial of steroids into the nueron laser. The steroids exploded and released a chemical agent now known as "Toxin B-11". It turned Thomas into a laughing zombie. He collapsed to the

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floor in agony, choking on his own vomit...(sorry if i made you ill there), Magaret came rushing over to help, but it was already to late! Thomas sprung to life and then began to emit the Toxin B-11 into margaret's face, making her a laughing zombie too.

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Thomas lunged out the window and was heading straight for downtown Boston. The worst part about Boston was that it was home to almost half the remaining Americans left in the United States that weren't taken by Ebola. Maraget wasn't effected by the toxin.

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She reached for the alarm and triggered it. She then radioed ahead to Boston telling them to be aware of a Zombie coming from the North West of Boston. The gladly heard her out and followed her orders. They got 15 light infantry units with nothing but

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M1911 pistols and the radios. They went up to the North West and they found Thomas dead, eaten by a bear. The bear looked at them and he was infected by Toxin B-11 also!!! He charged towards the units and he got 9 of them infected before he was shot dead,

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To Be Continued....