"Fuck love" by Derpqueen_42

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my bf always snapchatting other girls so i decided to get my friend bailey to try to see if he woud try to cheat on me with her and he did so i broke up w him. we were togwther for 2 and a half years so i needed time to move on went on a couple dates and caught feelings for someone

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else then the next day my ex came over and got upset that i caught feeling for someone else but despite that i tried to keep our relationship together. i had stopped playing my computer for 2 years and recently got a new one that super nice and fancy

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so im playing it right? he calls and we talk. at this point i feel like were on good terms huh? wrong. he keeps bringing up the guy i caught feelings for and keeps asking if i still have feelings fpor that guy. i lie cus i dont wanna lose him. i had blocked the guy and was trying to get back with my ex

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well today he doesnt wanna continue our relationship. so im dead inside and truly feel heartbroken. i was 16 he was 22 and he wanted me to be more mature for my age. i wasnt allowed to go to any playgrounds like i wanted to. i was not that happy but still felt like i was loved

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now i feel like he wasted 2 years of my life cus now im 18 almost 19 and theres an age limit on most playgrounds and i dont wanna get judged. he basically wasted my time. i tried apoligizing for his mistakes but i couldnt do it anymore. everytime we broke up i seemed to be the

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only one upset and thats not how its supposed to be. i just want to write my feeling down somewhere cus i feel like i have nobody and all my friends (2) moved away and i have no other firends. he was the only one i would talk to excpet my family but even now i feel like they cant

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relate. this shit sycks i hate love