"Fate" by SytherTyler

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Poverty. It affects many people in the state of Vindex. Some of us have to beg for money, live out of a rusty sudan or even go the extreme and rob others to simply survive. This is the story of Jane, a woman in the state of Vindex affected by poverty.

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This is her journal from her first day in the state of Vindex, to her last.

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Journal Entry - #1
Today I was placed in this state, with nothing but a few tools, a knife and a hundred dollars cash. I was let in as an official immigrant and I have yet to find a job.

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Journal Entry - #2
Today I went to the college, I was hired as a psychiatrist. I make a hundred dollars every paycheck, hopefully I can live off of that for now.

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Journal Entry - #3
Today I was attacked and stabbed by a masked man while walking past the fire station, I was left unconscious and woke up in a hospital bed. The doctors told me I would be fine in a few hours, I wasn't hurt that badly. Just a couple

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cuts in my legs. Thank god health care was free, the three hundred dollars I have wouldn't have covered the whple cost.

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Journal Entry - #4
I got out of the hospital earlier this morning and found myself pacing down to the bank to open an account and make a deposit of three hundred dollars that I have. If I were to be attacked again I could lose all my money.

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Journal Entry - #5
An hour before my shift ended this afternoon a patient came in, he had schizophrenia and wanted to see if he could find peace in himself. I talked to him for fifteen minutes before he wanted to leave.

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Journal Entry - #6
On my way out of the office today I tripped and gashed my knee, I hope it doesn't get infected. I returned to my little corner where I sleep every night by the college and quickly fell asleep. But I was awoken by the feel of water

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dripping down my knee, turns out it wasn't water it was blood gushing out of the gash I got just hours earlier. I couldn't walk very well, so I had to wait on the side of the pitch black road for a car to pass. Finally one did and the woman in her little

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sudan gave me a ride to the hospital. The hospital didn't seem very happy to see me again just days after my first visit. But that wasn't the bad news, the doctors told me I had broken my knee.

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Journal Entry - #7
I had to have surgery very early this morning, it was an hour long procedure but afterwards the surgeon general told me I would be perfectly fine. As long as I didn't put to much stress on the knee and I had to use crutches for a

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few days.

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Journal Entry - #8
Just today they annonced at 3:30pm the fire station would be opened after the long renovations. So I limbed towards the firestation and took a seat at one of the dozans of chairs and watched as the firechief and a news reporter made

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a speech. After just five minutes of being there I didn't feel well, I felt very ill. But it wasn't just me, all of us, even the firechief felt ill. I limbed back over to the hospital and they took my blood.

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Journal Entry - #9
They gave me the results. I have been diagnosed with pox, a terminal illness with a 5% survival rate. I thought this was it, I knew this was it. I already had issues with my leg but now, it's worse. As I was in the hospital bed with IV

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fluids running into me I thought, is this what it's like. Is this what it's like to die, to almost die. To be certain you will die. I told myself this is going to be painful, and it won't get anywhere. I sat there pondering for a half hour. I decided it's

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not worth it.

I yanked the fluids out of my arm, I unplugged the machines attached to myself. And just like that my life support system was unplugged, I thought to myself, it's innevitable now. I'm going to die, but I'm going to die peacefully.

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After all, it was fate. Fate determins all, when you're going to die and how you're going to die. But I think you can change your fate, I did. I decided to change it so I would die peacefully, and on my turms.

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This wouldn't of been possible without FNT News, a big thanks goes to them.