"Fallout book 1" by ishootu247

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[computer] all isolation chambers open. Were am i what is this place hello hello hello well sure is quiet if it echo's hay what does that say vault 666 wait i'm in a vault if i'm in a vault there should be a way out [Boss Bandit] hello max [max] who are

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you [boss bandit] you should know that boys get him out of here i will let you go this time give him some gear [max] wait you can't just leave me out here [boss bandit] yes i can [max] fuck i don't have any food or water they just gave me clothes and some

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machine thing well guess i should start exploring 4 hours later finally a town i have been walking for hours i'll check this house first let's see yes food and water hay what is that machine doing it shows a map and how good my health is

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what how does this even do this to think of it what happened i guess sence i was in a vault a nuke got dropped hay a gun if there is a gun the ammo must be some where here mabey in this dresser nope mabey under it yes the ammo

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this pistol will be a big help if anymore bandits come along well better stay in this house for awhile it is the most not torn down house.

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Written By:Ishootu247

Find out what will happen in the next book a friend.