"Lech Agreement" by Srodins

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This document outlines the legal agreement between Vindex Nation, and the Constitutional Monarchy of Lech.

Any Lech citizen who wishes to serve in its military will be directed to join Vindex Nation's military in order to create a stronger,

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collaborative armed forces.

Furthermore, since Lech citizens will be enrolled in the Vindex military, The Vindex Government holds the capability to dismiss a member of the Vindex Millitary, regarless of whether they are from Lech or not and should

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a member of the Vindex Military from Lech be dismissed they are expected to be dismissed from the position back in Lech.


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All citizens of Lech that wish to be members of Vindex Nation and vice-versa are permitted, should they go through a vetting process, and remain crime free after receiving citizenship in the other country. Should a citizen of either country commit a crime

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in another country, they will be subject to prosecution delegated by the authorities of the country the crime was committed. Subsequently, if the government the citizen is originally from wishes to prosecute their citizen they may, after the country the

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crime was committed in has concluded prosecution and the proper punishments have been assessed.