"New Planet" by FlowerGirl716

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It is the year 2525 and the Earth is dying. Waterfalls have stopped flowing, valleys have stopped growing and mountains are tumbling down each day. The United Countries of Earth had a meeting to discuss the matter. Some said to pump nuclear energy down to

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the core to power it back up. Others voted to find a new planet somewhere out in the universe, and others thought that as Earth is their home they should stay, no matter what. The vote was cast and it was decided that they were to fly a single man in a

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one-man craft into space to find a new planet to live on. That man's name was Derek. At 0600 hours one week later Derek was ready to fly his space shuttle into space. He took his position indie the shuttle, at the pilot's seat, and spoke through an

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intercom. "Engines check, radio check, stabilizers check. Everything looks ok and I am ready for blast-off." Then another voice spoke threw the intercom. "Roger that, blasting-off in 5,4,3,2,1" Rockets thundered and the shuttle shook. Then it rose up, up,

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up into the air until no one could see it anymore. The shuttle flew out of Earth's atmosphere and glided threw space. It came to the asteriod belt and stopped. "I forgot about this" Derek said to himself semming a little annoyed. Bang, an asteriod came

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from the side of the ship crashing into it. Beep, beep, beep. Alarms sounded bursting Derek's eardrums. Pressing some buttons, cannons popped out of the front of the shuttle. Derek pivoted the shuttle round to face the asteriods. The cannons fired and

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blew the asteroids to peices. Then, another asteriod came from behind the blown up ones. This one was much bigger. But there was a problem. The cannons overheated and wouldn't fire. The asteroid came closer and closer and closer. Then, BOOM. The asteriod

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shatteredinto a miliion pieces. Then a space ship, a lot bigger than theirs appeared from behind the rubble of the huge asteroid. It was green and stripped black in some places and had heaps of high powered cannons in a messy arrangment. "This is the

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Black Hammer, prepare to be boarded and dont even think about calling for help. We have already blocked all communication," said a women over the intercom. The pirate ship came over the top of the small shuttle. Then it lowered itself over the shuttle. A

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long tube stretched along to the shuttle and a bunch of blood thirsty pirates rank to the shuttle and pointed there laser blasters at Derek. Derek was afraid and could not look into their eyes. "Who sent you? Where are you from? Why are you out here?

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ANSWER ME. NOW," exclaimed the pirate in an asumed voice. They took Derek to the brig. He new he had to escape, but how? A day passed and they were being even rougher to Derek. Punching him, throwing him around and into walls, they even cracked one of his

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rib bones. He weakly looked around and saw one of the pirates drop a security card. He started to crawl over to it. "Hey I forgot my card" Derek heard one of the guards. He walked back in picked up the card then walked to Derek. He gave him a kick in the

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guts the turned around. Derek quickly reached for the card and then huddled over it like he was holding his stomach. He heard the pirates leave because they were hungry, then he got up unlocked the door and ran the hanger bay. Once in the hanger bay he

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spotted his shuttle and jumped aboard. Then he left the pirate ship and set, once more, on his journey. He searched for years to find a planet and finally came across one. After landing and exiting his ship he started to walk east of the planet. where he

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could see mountains off into that direction and hoped that there would be water flowing down the mountain. He ran and ran. Then out of nowhere a tree came to life and started running after him. Derek became terrified as this big tree of death was after

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him. He knew there was no hope or glory in running, so he had to do it. He had to. He had to face the tree, face his biggest fear. Death. He stopped running and turned around. The tree stopped right infront of him. The tree moaned in a low voice. "Hello

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friend and welcome to Utopia, the home of me, my family, friends and many other things. I am Grong. How may I assist you?" Derek told him the whole story about Earth and Grong said that he could move the people Utopia if he wishes. "You can catch a ride

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on me back to your space flyer vehicle," said Grong happily wanting Derek to say yes. Derek climbed onto Grong and they started back to the shuttle happily chatting about as if nothing had happened before. But, as the shuttle came into view a look of

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horror came to Derek's face. Hoards of angry natives were attacking the shuttle. Grong let out a loud yell. In seconds more trees came to life and walked to Grong's side. "The natives are attacking an ally's space flyer. We will stop them once and for

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all." The trees ran at the natives and diverted there attention away from the shuttle. As the trees fought, Derek ran into the ship and flew off the planet. Once he reached Earth he told The United Countries of Earth about Utopia and the UCO agreed and

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started to transprt humans to Utopia.


END <3

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+=================+ Acknowledgment

This story was written from my many years of space movies and galatical Star Wars. But I do thank my Sister Taylor for some of the awesome ideas <3 :D