"Happy Birthday" by BabsGordon

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Happy Birthday!

I don't think it's possible to put everything I feel about you into a little note but I guess I can sum it up. Hopefully this note isn't as sappy as I think it's going to be.

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In this community, this cape thing...I have a lot of people I respect. A smaller handful I trust. And a couple I flat-out adore. You are one of the people in the center of all of those groups.

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You never fail to light up a room when you're around or lift somebody's spirits.

So many people look for you for guidance. I already know you're thinking that's hard to believe but I've seen it many times.

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You've taught me more than I expected at first. Being around you makes me more optimistic.

Don't even get me started on all the crap you've gotten from certain people that you never even deserved in the first place. You don't deserve to be

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mistreated or looked down upon because you're one of the best people I've gotten the opportunity to know.

And I know we've gone over this about five-hundred times but in the future if something ever was to happen to me and you're still around, I want

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you to take the Batgirl mantle. To be honest, there are times when I think you deserve it more than I do.

But then again, you don't need a silly mantle to realize how great you are. Hopefully you already know what an amazing person you are.

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I feel like we understand each other pretty well, in many ways you remind me of myself (I don't know if that's a compliment or not) and to be honest I'm surpsied you put up with me and my nagging for so long.

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I don't think you need to read more than eight pages of my word vomit and like I said I can't express everything I feel about you into words.

You better have the best birthday because you deserve it more than anyone.

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Team Batgirl always.

With all my love