"Slaved-chap#1" by aj1925

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By Austin Luffman

(the main characters name is Nora and is dressed in a white dress with purple stripes on the skirt bit and is also a female fox)

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Everyone seems to laud over the new guy. Yeah he was an excotic breed but i mean he isnt a god like they act around him. For a slave is rather loll I wonder what his job is i'm sure master trace will tell tomarrow but its late. "hey guys its an ...

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hour past cerfew we better head to bed!" everyone gave me nasty looks but i mean some one has to get them to bed before trace returns and punishes us for being up and id like my brekfast tomarrow. As i was walking back to my room i saw trace walk in...

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drenched in water from the massive storm outside. i ran down the stairs to help him, but being the clumsly dultz i am i fell luckly Trace was there to catch me he short teal hair falling in my face "Woah you ok there... uhh whats your name again?"...

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I blushed "m-my name is Nora how can you not remeber me you got me when i was a young kit (baby fox)" he looked down at me with a smile rain water driping down from his hair "oh yeah i remeber you. You were so cute back then not that you arnt now."...

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He gave a sweet smile and lifted me back up and removed his jacket and shirt wringing them out. i grabed a mop that was laying out on the wall and started moping up the watery mess that was the front door "damn rain is relentless the last few days im...

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never gonna be able send my trade ship to the basitin isles at the rate ahaha." i finished mopping and joined in on the laugh "ha yeah that wouldnt be good well i guess ill be off to bed now night master trace." i turned and started downn the hall that...

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led to my dorm "HEY wait i still wanna talk" i turned and gave him a confused look but walked back to him any way "oh uh ok what ya wanna talk about?" he gave a sorta forced smiled "well today is my moms birthday and shes been gone for 5 years now and...

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well im sorta lonely i dont usually have any one to talk to and well this is the longest conversation iv had in a long while." he looked down i was unsure what to do so i let instinct take over and did what my heart told meand hugged him "hey dont cry...

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im here for you if you need me" i hugged him a bit tighter *sniff* "heh thank you Nora ya know what meet me in my office tomarrow after breakfast iv decided something that will improve your life" i turned and gave him
a quizling look "uhm ok sure thing ma

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_." he put his hand on my snout shushing me "dont call me master any more i hate being called that expecialy by friends
" he gave me a kiss on the forehead bringing a blush to my face "N-night mas... Trace" ill have to get used to not saying master.

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i started walking back to my room but as i got close i could hear flora and sythe going at it in our room, so i turned heel headed to the spare room i used just for this it was a short walk to the end of the hall i opend the door and walked up to the bed

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but quickly saw an issue there was a mass in the bed, i took a closer look and saw it was the new guy fabian was his name i think hes a red fox (this is not a refrance to foxy from fnaf but he IS a sailor/pirate) "heh hes kinda cute sleeping well i better

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head to another spare room" i wispered under my breath he rolled in his sleep unlucky for him he rolled right off the bed "GAAH fuk'in ell mate" he shouted and flailed around it was quite a sight and i couldnt help but to laugh at him "ahahahah oh man are

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you ok?" his head jerked twords me "Ey lass what ye be doin in me room?" he raised an eyebrow i smiled at him "my roommate and her mate are argueing in my room and i sometimes sleep here but i cam go some where else go on back to bed sorry for wakeing

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you." the alarm clock read 2:45 "damn it late" i turned and headed for the door "ey lass there be no more rooms i already looked... heh i dont usualy let women in to my bed fully clothed but here ill let it slide" he gave me a sly look and slid to the far

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end of the bed "oh... oh my umm ok thanks i guess... i think? my names Nora by the way." "Fabian's the name being a boss is me game" i smiled and slid under the blanket and got comfy "night fabian i better wake up with all my clothes on ya hear!" his

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responce was a chuckle
"sure thing lass" i closed my eyes and fell alseep i dreamed of my past and how i became a slave(you can buy that book after its made=D) when i awoke i felt a warmth on my side and arms i was drawn close to it, it felt nice

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"heh morning lass but im not personal heater" my eyes burst open i was holding on to fabian "oh my im sorry here" i moved my arms and legs off him and let him sit up when he did i saw something i didnt last night he had bandages wraped

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around his waist. his lower back was stained with blood no wonder he didnt ever do any work. "what happend to your back? not to pry just wondering" he turned and smiled "tis but a flesh wound i got it when a dastderly ground of skallywags attacked me ship

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they borded me ship, slaughtered all me crew and wounded me though we took down there ship with us.(his book will also be sold soon) when i drifted ashore trace partched me up and took me in im now apart of his crew for his trade ship the new capitan.

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i nodded and got up he joined me "well i gotta go make brekfast for every one so ill cya round kay?" he gave a me a sweet smile "sure thing ill talk to ye later" with that i made my way to the kitchen and started brekfast it didnt cause me much fuss was

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just a simple eggs and bacon with grape soda (idk first generic drink that came to mind) we all ate i sat with fabain we talked about his past adventures after we ate it was time to head to traces office when i got there i pushed on the large mahogany

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doors and walked in "ah Nora iv been waiting the food was splendid by the way" i gave hima warm smile and took a seat "so what did you wanna talk about?" his smile grew brighter if that was even possible "there are many things we must talk of but only

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two for today witch would you like first the good or the great?" i sat there thinking for a second or so "the good i guess?" he reached around and pulled out a large packet "here is your pay for working for me for 21 years" he handed me the large packet i

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hesitated but reluctently opened it and in side was 10 large wraped stacks of hundrend dollar bills... a million bucks "oh my gods wha- ahem uhh and the greater? i mean what could be better then a million dollars?" he opend a drawer and pulled out some

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paper and a pen "as long as you want if you sign here and here you are a free fox" he looked up at me and handed me the pen "you will allways be welcome here but i think its time i let you go the war ended years ago youer kind showed it can hold its own i

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just hope you can hold yours out in civiazilation for now take that and get your self a place to stay" i was on the verge of tears of joy "TRACE THANK YOU THANKYOU
SO MUCH... ahem sorry bout that got excited
um yeah thank you so much but

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now what?" he got up and gave me his hand "now i kiss you" with that he leaned in and was about to kiss me "Woah take a girl to dinner first sorry but you aint that far yet cuteie pie i may be greatful and do like you id like to take it slow." his smile

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faded a bit not much though "ah i see i am ok with that well let me get the door for you then" as i walked out of the room i swore i heard he say something but i am not sure all i wonder now is
what will this week have instore for me.