"AURORA" by creatorwarrior83

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A long time from now on a planet far, far way…

… A ship crashed, on its sandy expanse.

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The next day, a man woke up beside the ship. Still disoriented, he stood up and walked toward his ship. His booted feet made deep marks in the sand. When he reached his ship, he felt its once smooth contours, now twisted and destroyed.

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His ship, his precious and heavily modified, BnX 739C Orora, lay in ruins before him.
He scanned the wasteland with his eyes. He didn’t see anything now, but he didn’t know how dangerous this planet was, and what might happen around the corner.

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He decided to do what all the survival simulations had said- to scavenge the remains of his ship.
When he had first woken up, the sun was at the top of the sky. Now the sun was a mere sliver on the horizon.

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Night was the worst time, the simulators said. Remembering this, he created, using his scavenged parts, a makeshift rayblaster and short range shield for himself and his ship.

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When morning came, he was almost disappointed that there was no activity during the night. The fear, but also the excitement, kept him from sleeping the night.

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He spent the next few days salvaging items from the land around him and his ship, all the while being wary of attacks, alien or otherwise. But never once did he notice any unusual activity.

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On the 6th day of his crash-landing, though, something did happen.
By then he had accumulated many makeshift tools, one of his favorites was his personal shield, as it took him many hours to work out the bugs.

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That shield would save him this day, too, as would all of his other tools that he’d been stockpiling.
The day began calm, just like all the others, but, as he was preparing to set out on his dialing mining session, a strong wind began out of nowhere.

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A dark shape appeared on the horizon, but was quickly obscured by a veil of sand that the fell wind had whipped up.

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The sandstorm came at him and his ship full force, but was deflected by their shields. He turned on his makeshift scanner to see through the storm, and was surprised to find the figure right in front of him!

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As the sky darkened, the figure, which the man could see had a humanoid shape, held a black blade high, then brought it down, only to see it bounce off the man’s shield.

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The man retaliated with a blast from his newly upgraded laser, but it only left a small dent in the figure’s form!
The figure then delivered a blow so powerful it shorted out the man’s shield. But then his greatest achievement did its job.

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The project he had been slaving away at for the duration of his time on the planet: the distress beacon. He’d turned it on that day, and now finally had help.

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As he leaped back, prepared for his imminent demise, a blue beam shot from the sky and he knew he was saved.
As he told his story to all of his colleagues in Sector 3725, he thought back to his adventures on the planet, and how he almost missed them.

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A few days later, A scientist knocked on the door. He told the man, that, since he had discovered the planet, he had the privilege of naming it.

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The man smiled and told the scientist to have it named: Aurora



By creatorwarrior83