"Campaign 12/29" by LighterDarkness

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"Vote bright,
vote Light!"


p1 - VNDT Bank
Transfer Act

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VNDT Bank Transfer

To transfer bank
security to the VNDT.

There is no reason
why the two *federal*
banks are under
VPD (state police)

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Education Commission

Establish a commision
responsible for
frequently updated
study guides with
information about
the test as well as
things they may need
know in order to
perform competently.

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Education Commission

I decided that this
would be the best
way to do so as it
wouldn't require any
tags but would still
allow new players in
a field to be updated
on policy when they
enter a career path.

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Termination Act

I support the
termination act
which states that
players will be able
to euthanize knocked
players given that
EMS are not online
and that consent is

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Termination Act

Players who are
knocked must waste
five minutes of their
time not playing the
game. During that
time aren't able to
do much.

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Dissaproval Act

Officials who are not
popular by a long
stretch by the
general population
or the legislative
branch should be
removed as Gover-
nments exist to aid
the people.

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Dissaproval Act

A petition signed by
fourty citizens will
be sent to the
House of Represent-
atives. If the house
votes with a 2/3
majority against the
official a referendum
will be held for two

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Dissaproval Act

Idea (cont.):
If the referendum
favors the removal
with at least 3/4
majority of partic-
ipants the official
will be notified of
their removal from
office and a succes-
sor will be selected.

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Term Limits

The democracy of
Vindex Nation is
challenged the most
not by permanent congress who benefit by being able to prevent a criminal state in the event of an egregious corruption of reps.

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Term Limits

The true problem is
that our Head of State
is not elected.

The Head of State is the most important figure in our country and should be representing the population more than anyone.

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Term Limits

However, not only do we not elect our President, but the President takes permanant power unless impeached. This makes corrupt Government a very probable problem.

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Term Limits

Action must be taken to ensure that the President will remain the figure in the executive branch would preserves the will of the citizen and holds the interests of the country to heart.

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Term Limits

I propose that the President become an elected position and that term limits be imposed. The VP will also become elected and serve as a backup in the event that the President resigns or faces impeachment.

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Term Limits

I think this is an effective idea because the purpose of a democracy is to uphold the ideals of the nation. The approval rating of sitting President Kirkman has lead to concern regarding the effectiveness

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Term Limits
Of the systems put in place to select our President. The citizens had no say in his rise to power. Vindex Nation will not remain a democratic republic if only six government positions have ANY democratic influence.

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Term Limits

Subsequently, because the President would be selected by the people, the cabinet would be influenced by the will of the people, meaning that democracy now influences most of the Government as opposed to it

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Term Limits

Only being used to select non-leadership positions in a single branch.