"NV Vol. 3" by ShadeOS

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We started this week by interviewing CongrressMan OwenGrylls__, We asked about ant new acts or laws first this is what he said "Yes, we have actually passed 4 laws through congress in the first 5 days" He followed up with

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"the first one is called 'The Car Act' It prohibits people from breaking peoples cars for no reason, it will be reviewed by the President. He stated next "The next one is called the ""off duty" act" it states that all emt's must act when called upon, we

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also passed the "Liberation Act" it prohibits criminals from loitering at prison. Next we asked how many have been reviewed by the President, he said this "None of them actually, we were going to have a meeting with Mr.Pres but it was cancelled"

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we asked if he disagreed with any current laws or laws that were recently passed he said "no actually, the only laws i dissagree with were the failed laws" and that concluded our interview, he gave some good convorsation and information.

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In other news, a church session was held for Sinatrists, the belivers that Frank
Sinatra is god, and in the middle of it, there was a attack, FlyingBurger came up to the chaplain and asked to be bless because he killed, then buttfy attacked him, Ultiment

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the EMTCaptain had to come revive FlyingBurger and unfortunately buttfly didnt survive, he died in a holy place and then after ultiment came, the Chaplain, Corneroct, was shot dead in front of the whole audiance, R.I.P buttfly, R.I.P Corneroct

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Let whatevr god you believe in, grace your soul and have mercy. and on the scene our reporter was shot at.

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Criminal activity is rising, the white house was comprimised by a hobo and his group called "The Vendetta" it elegedly started "a new era" this was controversal, secret service say they were stormed and requested all of the police force on scene.

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thats it for this edition of NV we hope you enjoyed and come read again