"Re-Elect me!" by OwenGrylls__

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I OwenGrylls am officaly running for congress of the vindex nation, this isn't my first time getting elected, today I am running for re-election.

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I have put on the table a plan to prevent people from getting arrested for scrolling through their inventory. If passed I hope to see a change in the Vindex Nation. I know if that plan passes, it will make a change.

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I have promised, while I was running for my first Congress term to make a law like this, I have proposed this law and I am hoping for this law to be passed!

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My Views: Law 27 is a law I do want to keep! This has a lot of controversies, though! People say citizens can't Self-D, but they can put it in the inventory next to it, and take it out when they need to!

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he only flaw (In my opinion) to this law though is the fact that people are getting arrested for scrolling through their inventory! Law 27 has been a good part of the vindex nation and has and will continue to reduce crime.

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There's no point of random people walking around with a gun, and yes I do know that the criminals are going to have there gun away in the bank during a robbery, but that wouldn't have changed anyway since guns are illegal in the bank

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Like if someone is running around with a gun they're obviously trying to kill someone!

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I believe in the free market and keeping the Vindex Nation Tax Free! For example I don't think their should be any kind of Real Estate selling cap, people should be selling at whatever price they need, and this is what keeps the economy running!

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hurt the vindex nation! The Real Estate Agent job would basically crash, slowing down the economy! Real Estate Agents usually buy a house, redesign, and sell it,

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with a cap, it would just limit the Real Estate Agent's and eventually as said before, crash the whole job!

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I have voted for many laws, some include, the "Hitman Act", "Law 27 edit", "Liberation Act" and more! (About 10 other laws) I attended many laws in order to get many things passed, I have done a lot of things in Congress!

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My name is OwenGrylls__, I have been a former SWAT sergeant, and I have served in the Police Force a little bit before that! I now am I current Congressman and I am running for my 2nd term! I am a very active player!

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I am a very active player! I have served Congress and I have done my duty in Congress. I never have thought of quitting and letting the Vindex Nation down!

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OwenGrylls promise to stay in congress if elected, this is a promise I have made in April and a promise I have kept.

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Slogan: Not just saying, doing!

I have actually been, not just saying, I have been DOING!

Please vote me for congress, I will contuine doing great stuff for the vindex nation