"Rebel's Love" by PotatoAndMolly

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As Scarlet And Grace were getting ready to go out for a party Scarlet got a text from Brandon. Scarlet had a huge crush on Brandon and Grace wanted them to be together forever. This is there story...

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One day not just any day Scarlet's dad got married. Her name was Summer. And his name was James. They were very happy together but the only thing was Scarlet was afraid to meet her new sister, Grace. Once they started to hand out Scarlet opened up. They

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were weird together and had lots of fun. They became best friend sisters. And so on they basicly did everything together. Then one day Scarlet became a doctor along with Grace. But not Grace wanted to be a rebel. She quit being a doctor and became a rebel

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Thats where Brandon comes in. Brandon had been a rebel for almost all his life. Grace admired his work on the battlefield. So she brought him to meet Scarlet. Scarlet didnt really want to get invovled with a boy but still thought he was cute. ^ She tried

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to act cool around him but always ended up rambling too much. Somehow Brandon was ok with that and never mentioned it. Of course Grace was spying on them at all their hangouts. Thats when Grace fell in love with love. She decided to start shipping. But

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not just them everyone and anyone she wished. I mean she was a rebel. Brandon would go out and stay out late on the battle field. This worried Scarlet like crazy. Then one night.. There was a fire. A big explosion. Many rebels killed. Brandon was there

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and was badly ingured. Scarlet watched on tv everyone being carried away into the abulance. This broke her heart. When she saw Brandon she just couldnt stop crying. Grace came in to confort her but Scarlet didnt want her to know how she felt about Brandon

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Words couldnt say how she felt. The girls rushed to the hospital in the morning. They saw Brandon laying there. Grace went out early to get some food for Scarlet. As she left Scarlet stared into his big black eyes. He looked awake but wasnt responding

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very well. She grabbed his hand and started to ramble like usual. If only.. Scarlet said I told you how i felt... Ive always liked you and even if we were just friends i would want for you to be ok. Just like grandmas pudding its ok. Suddenly the hand

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grabbed back. Scarlet not afraid looked at Brandon and saw a smile. After that day they dated and soon they got married. Brandon didnt quit being a rebel but Scarlet became and firefighter so no one would have to go threw what had happened to her.

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They ended up having kids and a big happy family. They got a pug and a big house.

The End