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"Pent Protocol" by sprinklesdude
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Pentagon defense idea notes
1. When it is being attacked soldiers are not to move in but instead are to secure road until comanding officer arrives and there are enough numbers to move in as a group. (Police could really use something like this at
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bank...) 2 soldiers move in as groups with 2 machine gunnars 2 with deagle and shotgun as primary and a sniper or two in back. Excess soldiers will be s;lit up but max of 3 snipers.
3. if enough soldiers will divede into 2 or 3 groups with same classes
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3. When moving in one group will stay outside and one will move inside. If there is only one group then they will search outside first then move in. If 2 or more groups majority of groups move in once outside is clear and outside group defends perimeter.
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4. Defense positions
two officers lead 2 small groups to patrol the sides and back of pentagon and the rest of soldiers which should be 60% of total approximatly are positioned at following positions: Gate Sandstone building. road and rest along that
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line. So basically 60% on front line and 20% on each side and commanding officer scouts around all position and commands. If enough people have 2-4 people patrol back exlusively.