"The Boy" by Yankeeruler

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The Boy

By: Yankeeruler

When Amber woke up from her black out, she saw a boy, then he vanished. As Amber tries to find this mysterious boy, Trouble is getting closer and closer...

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Chapter 1

I don't know what happened. All I remeber is Prince Jacob asking me something, then I blacked out. When I woke up, this, boy, was standing over me, watching me. It was creepy.

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As the doors of the room opened, the boy vanished.

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Chapter 2

"Amber! Your awake!" exclaimed Queen Athena.
Then the rest of the Royal family came in. Princess Red and Prince Jacob were happy to see me awak.
"Wha-What happened?" I asked.

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"We don't know, all we do know is that you went to a coffee shop with Jacob, then you blacked out." answered King Hercules.
"Do you remeber anyhting?" asked Jacob.
I shoke my head.

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He looked happy or relived at that. I wonder why...
******That Night******
When I fell asleep, I felt like i was back in time. When I blacked out, when I woke up to looking at that boy. I can't explain the feeling. It's just like butterflies in your

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stomach. What's happening?

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Chapter 3

The next day, I still had the weird feeling. I was glad that I get a break from stuff to just get comfortable again, after my black out.

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***********************When I was in the libary, I tried to recollect myself. When I saw that boy, he looked so familier. I can't out my finger on it, but I know he had something to do with my memory leaving me.

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As I tried to figure it out, I didn't realise Jacob came in and sat across from me.
"Hey, I never got o ask my qestion to you," he said.
"What question?" i asked.
""Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked me.

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Before I could give him a answer, the boy appeared.
"I know who you are Jacob!!!!!!!MThere is no force on Heaven or Earth that will get you dating my sister!!!!!"

"WHAT?!?! SISTER!??!?!"
I yelled out.

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The boy turned to me, "Yes, Amber, I'm DJ, your brother. I have been looking for you ever since those men kidnapped you, I can't believe I actually found you." He proclaimed.
I had a swirling of qusetions I wanted to ask, some more

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logicer then others. I choiced the stupidest one ever, "My name is actually Amber?"
"Haha, yes, I named you Amber because of your eyes." DJ answered. "Now that I found you I can get the gang here so then can meet you! Annabeth and Piper especially

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missed you," DJ said.

I couldn't belive this!!! My brother is here?!?!?!? What the actual hell!!

My brother, my friends, I get to see them now...

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Everyone goes down...

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Hey guys! Amber here, just wanted to say this book is kinda short but I had to finish it. I got married to a wonderful guy named Jacob. He's my wonderful husband now, and so I need to publish this for I won't be writing for a while. Amber Out!!!!!!

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Dedicated to my wonderful husband, Jacob.
To my sister Jenny, cakebaker1
To my family-in-law

Thanks for being there!

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Alreay created books:
The Girl

Please read this:

Husband's books:
Last Night

Please read these, mean alot to me!

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Yankee's Book Shop
3rd section, 1st floor of the mall.
Come check it out!!!