"Rep Manifesto" by MillionaireMan

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"If you ever wonder what a facists dream land looks like the look no further than vindex"-Ron D. Wyatt

Republican Menifesto

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Republicanism is the belief that there should be a republic with democratic elections for a leader aswell as checks and balances to ensure dictatorships do not take hold of the republic and if one wants a prime example of what republicans want to stop

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from ever happening again they need look no further than the Vinish government
They have a dictatorship with no balances to check the "Presidents" power they do not serve the people their politicians can be bought easier than bread at the local shop

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When government as corrupt as these come to be they must be overthrown via mass rebelion if needed however peace if a preferable option

Once overthrown a new government such as the one about to be described should be installed

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The president shall be elected simply by a majority vote and will be allowed to appoint his own cabinet as he pleases however should he ever try to stay in power after a new president is elected it is the peoples right and duty to overthrow him and host

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a new election
The president may be removed by 3 ways
Overthrowing: Should he become a dictator it is the peoples right and duty to overthrow the president
Impeachment Via congress:
Shold congress deem it needed fro any reason the president may be

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impeached by a majority vote

Impeachment Via the People: Should any person propose that the president be impeached a vote shall be held and if there are a minimum of 150 to impeach then unless they are outnumbered by votes to not impeach then the

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president shall be taken out of power and a new election held

Congress: 16 congressmen and women shall be elected half way through each presidents term they have the power propose laws for presidential aproval and to impeach the president

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a congressman may also be impeached by 50 signitures and aproval from the president

Establishment: As of now there is no republican nation in Vindexcraft as such one must be made and while Lech and Wilden have great chance to be reformed Vindex

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is to far gone to be reformed and thus the government must be overthrown via force and while the rebels try to do this they have failed do to one very large reason: Leadership
The rebel leadership can be shaped by non-rebels via the elections

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There should be no elections there should simply be one leader to take charge and hand over the reigns when needed as this is a fighting force not a government
As such a new group shall be made known as: The Peoples Republican Militia

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They should then take action to begin allying themselfs with other groups that wish to overthrow the Vindex government so that they may start an offensive and with the power of all anti-government groups united they may finally destroy the regime