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"Merry Christmas!" by BarryBurns
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To Nutella,
One heck of a year we have had isn't it? We have all been through a lot but going through it with you has made things a lot easier, I am really glad you decided to come back to the server when you did, so we could start our life over again.
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I know we came across some bumps in the road, but a straight road is no fun to travel along anyway. I would type out a whole essay xD but I think I will try and keep this as short as I possibly can. So, may the closeness of friends, the comfort of home
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and your family, renew your spirits this festive season. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I hope you create happy memories that last you a lifetime. I wish you all the best this holiday season and throughout the year. Thank you for being the best
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gift that I could have possibly asked for.
P.S Left a few gifts :P
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A little poem...
May peace dwell with you, may prosperity huddle near. May family gather together without heartache or tear.