"Last night" by Im_an_ewok

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Last night by: Im_an_ewok

***********************It was 4 am, I was waiting for him in the alley. My guards were stationed above me, on the roof. They have orders to jump down, and kill, if anything goes wrong.

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"Damnit, when is he showing up, he is late"
I wispered into my my mic. Finally I see a figure turn the cornor, and start heading my way.. but something was different about him.. Then I saw it. He had a 4 inch kinfe hidden inside his trench coat.

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I quickly whispered the key word, mongoose, and all five of my guards, jump down, and grab the man. One of my guards, throws him to the ground and in one motion, steals the blade from his coat. I guess he saw it too. The others quickly grabbed

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his arms, and legs, and forced him onto the ground. I slowly walked over to him, making sure no one saw, or heard us. After all, we are not suppose to be here. I kneeled down to him. I took one good look at him, and spat right in his face. I then stepped

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on his arm, and felt a chrunch as I walked off, into the night.
***********************I awoke suddenly, my window was open. I don't recall opening in. I knew automaticly, he was back. I took a glace around my room, looking for something out of place.

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I didn't see anything at first glance. So I got up and shut my window. before I know it, there was a cold, steel blade agenst my throught. He whispered into my ear, "If you scream, your dead. Come with me"
I followed him through out my house.. everyting

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seemed out of place. It didn't feel like my home. We walked out my back door, into the wilderness, and deep into the woods. We came acrost a old cabain, windows all busted out, and holes in the roof. H lead me inside, and sat me down on a matted chair.

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He lit a match, and threw it into a hole in a ground, and fire illuminated the room. He walked over to me holding something in his hand, a handkerchief, or a towl I didn't have much time to see what it was before I passed out.

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I awoke, chained to a wall in a cold, and dark place. I couldn't see anything. Something ran across my leg, a rat, and I screamed. Before I could yelp for more than a second, a hand came across my mouth, and I felt something hot jab into my side.

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I saw a match flicker, and then a small fire was lit, in front of me, no under me. I looked around, and saw the figure. He picked up a steel rod, our of the fire, and slowly, eased it onto my leg, burning my skin. I tried to screem again, but there was

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a rag, gagging me across my mouth. He pulled the rod away and tossed it into a pool of, green, murky, water. He tilted his head, and walked closer to me. I got a good look at his face, then I blacked out.

End of part 1

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Authors notes.
Sorry I had to leave a cliff hanger like that =)
I am hoping to continue this series! So stay tuned! I hope you enjoyed the book!

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Dedication page.

I would like to dedicat his book to my beautiful future wife, Yankee. She is my everything, and I love her so much! And she inspiered me to write this book!