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"Contract" by xSaltifyy
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I, leaser of CoffeAP1A am not allowed to store any illegal drugs, weaponry, drug ingredients, ext. If the apartment is raided Im at fault for everything that have been found in MY locked chests [Private].
If you have been founded carrying anything ->
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illegal in the chests you can and will be sued for maximum amount of money and jail time.
I, leaser of the apartment am not allowed to unlock any chests that are not within my leased doors. If we find that you have broken our locketes you
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will be deleted from the property, and then sued.
Please just dont hold anything illegal or break any [Private] sign that doesn't belong to you, nor any part of the building that you did not lease. (Including Windows).
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Landlord: FlyingBurger
Leaser: xSaltifyy