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"BoV Loan (#001)" by Neugs
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Bank of Vindex Loan Agreement
I, upon signing this contract, agree to the following terms:
I hereby agree to return in full the amount borrowed, as well as any interest by the set date. I acknowledge that failure to do so will result in penalty.
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1. The Parties
Borrower: spykythijs1703
Lender: The Bank of Vindex Nation
Date: 03/02/2022
2. Loan Amount
Loan Amount: $10.00
3. Interest
Interest Rate: 6.25% per week
4. Payment
Lump sum: $10.50
Date: 03/02/2022
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Time: 9:50
5. Late Fee
Late Fee: 12.5% per week unpaidï
(Lender's signature)