"A Woman's Story" by Meliana_Clems

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This is my story. A woman's story. A woman in Vindex. Part of Vindex History. My name is Meliana Opaline Clemens and this is my story as of July 29 2016. I first got to to Vindex from looking on websites where to go. I arrived by boat to the great city of

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Vindex. I was masked wearing my scarf as I roamed the streets looking if I wanted to stay. I loved the people I loved the atomsphere the aroma. The first person I met, Dogeman. He was a grown man somewhat hairy. People compared him to the infamous meme

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Doge. He was warm and welcoming I met him at a coffee shop. Said he was renting out a room add was offering it to people. He saw I was homeless and need a room. He said I could live with him and his girlfriend. He was a Doctor months and months before

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Eric became the Surgeon General. Doge was a doctor a corrupt one. He spent all his time making marijuana. He had chest and barrels filled with pot. He taught me how to roll my first joint. Said if I sold it he would pay me a bit. That was the time I

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realized I'm going down a path, a terrible one, but one that would pay me well. I started mass producing marijuana and selling it on my own. The DEA found out about Doge so they arrested him and took his drugs. Those drugs were also mine. His house and

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pot were gone so I was left homeless and moneyless. I decided to become a soldier as it was easy and I was experienced in mapping and planning. I became a 35F in the Vindex Military. That ended shortly when a woman said she needed me on the battlefield.

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She lied and told my surperior that I was not following his directions. I was then fired and had a 2 month suspension from any government job. Also there was another reason I was going to get fired, because I had a history of substance abuse

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I was an alcoholic. I need a doctor to prove that I was safe for a government job. That's when I met one of the best people in Vindex, Brenna. Brenna was a doctor a great one at that. She filled me down for both my past history of marijuana and alcohol.

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After I was fired from the military I had moved in with her. She had a great friend named Kota. He was sexy (abs from god) but I wasn't that interested. I had lived ther and spent time with Brenna she quickly became one of my bestfriends.

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After she sold the house I was livign in I decided to move out and experince Vindex again. There was a gang hiring people with Soldier experince. They were called DABD. The two leaders were Henry (Wolfman) and Aiden (Twister). The were great leaders both

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unique and powerful. They sold drugs, killed for money etc etc. I started off by building their Oil Rig the SS Twister. It was a disguise for a weapon launching system and for drug shipments. At this time I had also worked at the local tavern in Vindex

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near the police station. I was an employee serving drinks to guest. This was where I was raped two times sadly. (Both of the men were banned, both came back) One day I was selling drinks and a man named Han walked in with a gun. He robbed me and my friend

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then had sexually violated me. Then shortly after I called the cops a man named Shmexy rolled up and started asking questions. He used to be a congressman one I respected. He too sexually violated me using his police status to threaten me by jail. Anyway

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back to the SS Twister. After my work on it they made me a higher rank. I was now an assassin. I swiftly killed anyone and anything. I had become a criminal mercenary. I was also a bodyguard for Henry and Aiden. Soon I became third in command for the DABD

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gang. I was now bestowed the title of Tactician and Strategist. With the creation of our missile launching Oil Rig and the money we had down near the coast we were feared by many. We soon fired our weapon at the Whitehouse and had our men raid the streets

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of Vindex. We held the Whitehouse for 4 days and streets and buildings around it. I commanded the dangerous 4 days while Henry and Aiden were anyway doing business with other people. After those four days our Oil Rig was torn down by Coast Guards

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(not navy) We lost many men and our control on Vindex. Though we still had power, the two leaders disbanded the gang. I was again left without anything. I decided to take up law, it was very tiresome and boring so I won't dwell into it. After that time I

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stubbled into a man named Tom. He was a fellow lawyer and I had talked to him a lot. We soon started liking each other more and more soon we were together. He said he was trainging to become a SWAT officer and had very big dreams. Like the pretty girl I

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am I we became romantic. Soon I had given birth to two kids, Brenna there with me. TOm had left me because I had only been using him for his money (cause I was broke af) [At this time child rp was bannable so I had a solution.] Angered with Tom I had

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thrown both of the two children off the hospital roof, Brenna watching. (I screamed "I'm Micheal Jackson" while doing it) Brenna told me I was psycho and shook her head. After those days I regretted it and I decided I should do something with my life

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something productive. I became an author retelling my past and my childhood. (I also became one irl too. You may have also read Meliana Several Acts. Those were my past books this book is a more in depth book covering "all" of my life here in Vindex)

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After the success of my first two books Meliana Act 1 Act 2 and Act 3 (All now collectors items) I had become rich and bought my first house. It was one of the houses near the church (now bought by tyler who before was owned by Minejak) But two people

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came back into my life. Aiden and Henry. The said my house was now Legion property and they owned it. I agreed because they were another source of income. I again was assigned third in command of the Legion. We were used as a personal Militia ordered by

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those who could afford us. I had been known for all of my bad deeds yet I was praised by low life criminals. I planned, trained, and ordered the best of my men. We were then renamed Sialone. I had my best men work around the clock. One day I had a phone

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call [This was before phones so it's really just /msg] I was ordered to kill Brenna my best friend and those she was friends with. I was going to be paid half a million dollars (Split among my men and me) if I did it. I couldn't pass up money and I was

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going to be deemed KOS by my own leaders so I agreed. I had repeatedly killed all of Brenna's friends. Though I never killed Brenna I am sorry to those I had murdered. [The guy that wanted her dead was serious like sheesh and yes I killed all of her

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friends so many times a mod had to get invovled and said Henry Aiden and me could get banned for player targetting or something.] After I completed the unknown man's request [ I still don't know who] I was paid and so were my men. With new found money we

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bought a redhouse for all of our men. At this time Aiden and I were going to be married [ In game he's not gay irl but ya know I'm a gay guy with a girl skin lol and a girl name, and I see myself as a girl... idk lol] and soon we were. Aiden Henry and I

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soon reformed Sialone back to DABD. (At this time Brenna didn't want anything to do with me) I remembered how I betrayed my best friend Brenna so I decided to go meet her. I saw her hugged up in a house with Eric (Surgeon General as of time of writing) I

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was stunned so I knocked on the front door to see what was happening. (they moved into a redhouse when I left so did Reese) I was then shot at, I retaliated and killed her new man Eric. I asked Brenna to forgive me, she didn't and I was shot down by SWAT.

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I escaped with my life and fled to the wild. I came back to the DABD base (near the courthouse which we "owned") Again they had a master plan of what to conquer. I was now tasked with the mission of claiming the Pentagon. My best men had left me so I had

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ordered new recruits. Lil Dragon, was one of them, he was also our tonic producer. Loopydroopy was one of my new men along with many others. I had trained many of them in Melee and Long distance combat. We soon took the Pentagon by storm securing it for

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over 3 days. We now controlled the Penatgon, Redhouses etc etc. Again we were defeated yet we still owned the surrounding areas. After being defeated by the Vindex army our leader Henry ordered us to become Rebels and fight the soldiers. Same thing

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DABD now was a rebel force. I had made ships again and again invading the military base shooting missiles etc etc. Xtreme was one of the men who was able to destroy my war ships. Derpy was now Warlord and had supreme power. We reapeatedly fought the army

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in the wild. [Warfare was broken so we used the wild as our battleground] At this time both of my leaders were killed [Banned] and I was again for the third time left with nothing. I sold the redhouse and became a maid. With nothing to do I now needed to

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work for someone. That someone, well some people were Kboom and Dashboy. Both led the powerhouse of Nuke Bombers. They needed new members. I was sick of gangs yet instead I would fill the role of a maid. Most of the men I had trained were in Nuke Bombers

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which made sense why they were strong. The men I had trained had betrayed me and told the Leaders of my background. Instead of doing something harmful they invited me into their gang. I declined but I served them both as a retainer. (Now here comes

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another rape story sheesh this is what the third time?) I was still a maid and I was protecting both Kboom and Dash as they were traveling in the desert. But there were some complications... I was caught in the mist of combat. Sick of fighting I stayed

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out but I was shot and all of my belongings were stolen. (This part hits hard with so much irony anyway this parts confusing. Before Henry and Aiden were killed [Banned] I had been notified of Toms death [Ban] and was invited to the ceremony of his death

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by Wireless. This part explains why my men betrayed me in Nuke Bombers. On Tom's ceremony near Snazzymart all of the DABD members had started "peeing" and dancing on his grave. Also they were killing people. Out of rage and for Tom because I felt guilty I

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decided to honor him. By killing all of the DABD members including Henry and Aiden. I was then deemed KOS and I went into hiding under my real name Julian [I changed back to Meliana when it was safe] My reasoning for explaing this is because I had kept

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Tom's Ring and my earrings from Brenna, and my sword I was gifted from Loopy that was like ice or something.) Anyway they shoot out happened with a gang called the Shephards and one of their members thought it was ok to rape a girl so she could have all

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her stuff back. (Moody did it btw) Kboom and Dash did nothing to stop him nor try to get back my belongings. One man tried to reason that was Omar leader of the Shephards. After I was ya know... I quit being their maid and bodyguard. I never got my stuff

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back. To get revenge I decided to become a cop. I was shortly fired because Wireless thought I was helping Kboom and Dash when in reality I hated them with all of my guts. After I was fired I decided to never trust anyone. I had now gone back to my roots

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and kill those who had opposed me. I had now gained the name Akira Hasegawa [My grandfather irl lol] and sought to kill. (Quick story Kboom told me to kill Reese etc etc) [Sorry Reese ;-;] Sherlock tried to make me his HR but I declined. After that

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two people came back into my life. I swear they don't die [unbanned] both Aiden and Henry came back. Now that had a Japanese name they based a gang around me, the Yakuza. I was now the leader of the Yakuza. I invited all those who were in my personal

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militia, and again Aiden and I were married. I made this gang one of the most successful. I claimed entire cities with my elite assassins and soldiers. Lot's of my men had also joined the Shephards. I sought to destroy the Shephards, but I then remembered

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Omar the leader of the Shephards. I had to repay him. After the attack on Gallifreyport I ordered all of my men to disband and live better lives. Some joined the Shephards some did other things. At this time my friend Snowman was attacked by Dash in the

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wild, and he lost all of his belongings, just like me. For revenge and my first act of justice I slaughtered Dash and Kboom and gave Snowman what he deserved. My friend Snowman later died from the wounds but I still enjoyed his presence. R.I.P Snowman,

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But now I joined the Shephards, aced their test and now I serve Omar and Omar alone! I am his maid and bodyguard and I shall forever serve him for his kindness, thank you Omar. Also I helped Brenna become a Congresswoman so now we're like besties! The end