"The Tunnels II" by Enderhorse1

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The Tunnels Part

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As the three men went along the path, they began to sense the same feeling of dread as they walked. Their brains told them to turn back, and to never make this journey again. One of the men decided he was not going to continue, and went back. Alone.

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The other two men decided to just push on. They eventually came to a small village beside a large hill, and saw a large mountain range about twenty miles away. When they entered the village, they went straight to the Inn, and were greeted with food,

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shelter, and water. When they innkeeper heard of their mission, he wanted to help them. After resting one night in the Inn, they departed to the Weaponsmith. Using the little money they had from their hometown, they purchased two daggers, and a bow and

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arrow. Then, they used the rest of their money on some non-expirable food for the rest of their journey. They thanked the Weaponsmith, and went over to the edge of the village. They got each of their horses from the stable, mounted, and continued

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along the now rocky path. The path started to ascend, going up high. When they were about one mile away from the mountain range, they came to a fork in the road. There were three paths, each leading completely different ways. One of the men said

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they should go straight, and continue through the cavern under the mountain range. The other said that they should take the left path, which went around the entire mountain range, but was closer to their main destination. They decided to take the left

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path. The cavern would be too wet and rocky for the horses. When they finally went around the mountains, they saw the cave far away. It was almost blurry, as it was very distant. The three men continued going along the path for three more hours, then

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decided to rest. But, they heard wolves about thirty minutes later. The man keeping watch alerted his sleeping partner, and they got their daggers. An entire pack of wolves ran toward them. They got their horses, the bow and arrow, and went away, the

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wolves attempting to catch up. The wolves slowly fell back, and eventually disappeared from view. The two men could clearly see the cave now, it being mere feet away. They got off their horses and went towards the pile of rocks sitting near one wall. They

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now confirmed that the man who escaped here two centuries ago was not a liar. They could have just turned back, saying that they have accomplished their mission. But, they decided to enter the cave. They wanted to obtain the King's Crown from inside.

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