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"ResourceStore" by snoopyfun
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Resource Store
Price List:
Dragon Head: $5000
Shulker Box: $1000
NetherWarts (16) $2
Blaze Rod (2): $5
QuartzBlock (64): $100
Brick Block (64): $100
Gold Ingot (4): $10
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Resource Store
Netherrack (16): $5
Steak (2): $5
Iron (4): $5
Redstone (9): $5
Leather (8): $5
Maps: $10
Canvas: $30
Easel: $25
Ghast Tear (4): $40
Soul Sand (16): $20
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Resource Store
Sugarcane (16): $10
Carrots (16): $10
Potatoes (16): $10
Beets (16): $10
Wheat (16): $10
Cocoa Beans (8): $5
All Dyes (4): $10
Stone (16): $10
HardenedClay (16): $15