"Origins of Abuse" by JDillinger

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A research journal by Dr. John Herbert Dillinger, M.P.T.

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The term "abuse" is not uncommon at all in the server we play. Be it actual abuse, or just shouts of abuse. What is clear is that abuse can be further defined into 2, RP abuse and non-RP abuse.

We've gone by many controversy surrounding the topic

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of "abuse", starting from members of the staff team, to senior ranking government officials. Some of the notable ones are the controversies involving former staff member and Secretary of the Treasury, GrandDuke99.

Anyone can abuse, but only a select few

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can get away with it. Take GrandDuke's case for example. He was accused of running a questionable banking investment scheme that turned out to be a scam, he abused his powers as moderator and penalized his oppositions. Unfortunately, this is not an

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uncommon practice of people of power. With great power comes responsibility. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It is undebatable and is within the scientific nature of human itself. Philosophers have argued on this matter for

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centuries, and the most appealing one is Kenneth Burke's Definition of Man, in his work "Language as Symbolic Action" (1996).

First, Burke mentioned that men are symbol-using animal. He distinguishes man from other animals by drawing an analogy

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between man and birds. He argues that unlike birds, which cannot use symbols to communicate, man is able to use language towards pragmatic ends.

Second, condensation. One aspect of symbols that Burke points out in his discussion of Sigmund Freud's work

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is condensation. This explains man's ability to condense symbols into categories that can be understood by others to include a variety of other symbols.

Third, inventor of the negative. While Burke struggles with using the word inventor for he feels that

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language has invented man, he points that negatives do not exist in nature. He contends that negatives are purely a characteristic of symbol systems, which he has already determined belong uniquely to man.

Fourth, separated from his natural

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condition by instruments of his own making. In this section of Burke's definition he described man's natural state as being that of basic needs and appetites. However, because of his tools and language, he has taken on a nature completely different from

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his original state.

Fifth, goaded by the spirit of hierarchy. This portion of Burke's description seeks to define man as being drawn to order and status. He points to positions in society that imply this fact.

Sixth and the last, rotten with

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perfection. This last portion of Burke's definition has particular importance to his other philosophical theories of man. Man being rotten with perfection speaks to the motives that are distinct in man; motives being an intrinsic part of Burke's

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Dramatism, distinguishing action from notion.

Culture very much impacts behavior, and not all culture are compatible for another. This is what sparked nationalism which has, and without us knowing it, deep roots in the community. The idea that one

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culture is superior than the other, very much reminds me of Rousseu's Origins of Inequality. Geography is a barrier for intercultural mix, and with a world of evergrowing technological advancements, that barrier has slowly faded. A new problem has arisen,

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people of one culture grouping up with their own, establishing the fact that theirs is superior and morally most right than others.
We can also observe Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs.

The lowest in the pyramid, psychological needs. A concept that

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was derived to explain and cultivate the foundation for motivation. This concept is the basic foundation of Maslow's hierarchy needs. Psychological needs include:
- Homeostasis
- Food
- Water
- Sleep
- Shelter

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- Sex

One level up, safety needs. Once a person's psychological needs are relatively satisfied, their safety needs take precedence and dominate behavior. In the absence of physical safety - due to war, natural

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disaster, family violence, childhood abuse, etc. - people may re-experience post-traumatic stress disorder or transgenerational trauma. Safety and security needs include:
- Personal security
- Emotional security
- Financial security

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- Health and well being
- Safety needs
against accidents/
illness and their
adverse impacts

In the center of the pyramid, is social belonging. After psychological and safety needs are fulfilled, the third level of human needs are seen to be

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interpersonal and involves feelings of belongingness. This need is especially strong in childhood and it can override the need for safety as witnessed in children who cling to abusive parents.
Social belonging needs include:
- Friendships
- Intimacy

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- Family

The second level to the top of the pyramid is esteem. Esteem needs are ego needs or status needs. People develop a concern with getting recognition, status, importance, and respect frmo others. Most humans have a need to feel

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respected; this includes the need to have self-esteem and self-respect. Self-esteem needs includes:
- Respect from others
- A need for status,
recognition, fame,
prestige, and
- Need for strength,
competence, mastery,

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self confidence,
independence, and

The top and highest level of the pyramid is self-actualization. "What a man can be, he must be." This quotation forms the basis of the preceived need for self-actualization. Self-actualization

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can include:
- Mate acquisition
- Parenting
- Utilizing abilities
- Utilizing talents
- Pursuing a goal
- Seeking happiness

Upon observing Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs, one can't stop to question, "which level would an abusive players fall

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under?" According to the pyramid, it falls under self-esteem, the second highest level of the pyramid. An abusive staff would have fulfilled his psychological needs, having enough basic roleplay needs. He would have enough safety needs, having financial

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security. His social belonging needs fulfilled, having friends, those in his inner-circle alike. He is on the last stage of the pyramid, and must have his status needs and ego relatively satisfied.

This general idea of having to be seen as the best,

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on the top of the hierarchy, brings some anarchist values as written by Grimke in his work on individualist anarchism.

Men would naturally form into groups, and once power/money is the only measurement of value, men will have the need to dominate

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others and compete. Grimke's theories are rooted deeply in the community of Vindex, and cannot be any closer to the truth, itself being self-evident.

Actual abuse differs from most shouts of "abuse" every now and then when a criminal is rightfully

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arrested. These shouts of abuse are meaningless, and these officers who are claimed to be abusive are constantly in the spotlight. It is only unnatural when said person is actually abusive and receives no punishment, when constantly in the spotlight.

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However, the true abusive officials are the one that doesn't get many shouts of "abuse", because the general public is intimidated by one's power. Intimidation is another way to earn respect, and this fulfills their self-esteem needs according to Maslow's

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Pyramid. Popularity brings negative effects. It is much easier for a person that has popularity to get away with acts of abuse than an average player.

An example to this is a senior player which I will not disclose. He had succesfully attracted the

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community and, one could say, appealing. Everytime a member of the community questions his authority, with his charisma and popularity, said senior player swades public opinion and persuade the community that the person questioning his authority is the

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one in the wrong, and plays the victim card.

We have seen this David & Goliath play multiple times in the course of Vinish history. We have seen ChampionTheIV, a respected member of the community yet some would say controversial, challenges the

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authority of allegedly abusive members of the staff. This could only make one wonder, including myself, has he ever gotten backlash? He has, and many times. But he has also won battles against abusive members of the community a great amount of times.

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When the fools are fed with lies and more lies, every day, a lie would eventually seem like the truth. Only those who has the appropriate mental capacity, a member of the pack and not the herd, an intellect, one with moral principles, would be able to

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withstand such challenges and not get persuaded by abusive members easily.

It may take weeks, maybe months, or even years. But eventually, the truth will speak out. Someone, a member of the community which has the characteristics aforementioned,

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will have the bravery and courage to speak out, and to challenge the authority.

I am a strong believer of civil disobedience, and so should you. If you believe something is morally unjust, and after putting much thought and consideration about it,

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and after consulting with experts with the knowledge concerning the matter in question, and after knowing the penalty, one has the right to disobey and be prepared to face the consequences.

It is indeed, a difficult battle. One that not everyone can

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endure, one that not everyone has the energy to fight. But it is only right that resistence begins from the very roots of the community. The average citizen.

It is my deep concern that if common practices of abuse are left unchecked,

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it will only become more worse and worse, every day that passes through.

It is only up to the community, the individual people, to battle abuse and the negative effects of popularity because that is where it starts.

It is one word against

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another. In the recent events we have seen this delicate matter take place. Trial by court of public opinion.

The truth may be hidden for a certain period of time, may even be for a long period of time: but the truth will seek its way out. It will

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surface eventually. And it has only been proven self-evident.

Truth will find its way.