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"sk" by SurferLocket63
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SurferLocket63 acknowledges that he has accused officer KenanY of being a corrupt cop. He has accused KenanY of accepting a bribe and letting him go.
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SurferLocket63 agrees to gather evidence on KenanY to prove his accusations. During this investigation SurferLocket63 will be allowed to open carry, hit KenanY with his fist, or pretend to mug another citizen in order to get the attention of officer
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KenanY. Upon receiving evidence, SurferLocket63 will immediantely turn over this evidence to Kyla_B or TimTim_Playz. Should SurferLocket63 fail to obtain evidence, share this investigation with anyone besides Kyla_B or TimTim_Playz, forge evidence, or
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committ any crimes not allowed in this contract he will be arrested and fined.