"BankGuard Guide" by WirelessPotato

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------------------- The Official
BankGuard Guide
------------------- Issued Guide #4
Justice Department
------------------- © 2016 Justice Dept.
All Rights Reserved.

ALL Bank Guards
Must Read!

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-------------------Bank Guard is the second most demanding job in the police force. Contrary to what some might say, no, there are no night breaks, or day breaks.

You guard the bank and its surroundings, looking for any

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-------------------suspicious activity.

You prevent criminals from entering the vault and taking the people's money. Failure to do so reflects poorly on the Bank Manager as well as the Bank Guards.

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On The Job
-------------------As a Bank Guard, your duty is to protect the bank and prevent it from being robbed by following a strict code and enforcing its respective laws.

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On The Job
-------------------In this guide you will learn the terms and definitions as well as the basics. You will learn the strategies and more advanced techniques at training.

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-------------------During the day you will see plenty loitering, assault, and people attempting ot get over the desk.

You should always be alert for these people and stay calm in the toughest situations.

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-------------------Loitering is not doing virtually anything, in this case, anything related to the bank services.

Loitering is not time based, but instead measured based on activity and actions performed while inside.

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-------------------During the night you must make sure to kick out absolutely everyone besides other officers, unless they shouldn't be there.

Even then you must not leave, for someone could have logged out inside. Stay put.

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-------------------If you wish to patrol outside, you may stay close to the bank and only arrest players who commit crimes nearby.

Just as any other job of the Justice Department, you are NOT to commit ANY crimes.

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1. Never use lethal force unless instructed to do so.
2. Log ALL your arrests using the proper format.
3. Do NOT abusively jail

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4. Do NOT chose to murder over jailing unless absolutely necessary or instructed to do so by a higher power.

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6. Only arrest for crimes you see or if instructed to do so otherwise by a higher power.
7. Do NOT jail someone who has a NLR.

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And that is all there is to know about being a Bank Guard.

Protect the bank and stay on the lookout at all times.

Now go out there and kick out some loiterers!

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Bank Guard Guide
Written By:
Vindex Police Chief,


© 2016 Justice Dept.
All Rights Reserved.