"MI3 Boy" by fifteenninjas

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MI3 Boy

A Boy alled Ted (Ted is his Minecraft username) Was playing a city server he was poor and worked at KFC he. he said to himself "This server is boring when your a poor guy plus nothing fun is happening to me"

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That day he went to the den he bought for onlt $50 it was so cheap because a player abandoned it when he was little. He wrote in his Diary
like he did everyday and then did his judo before bed

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In the morning he woke up and went to KFC he suddenly realised
that he had forgot to do his morning streches so he
desided instead instead of shaking the curly fries basket
to kick it "YA YA" He screamed but he didnt know someone was watchin

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once work had finished this guy came up to him and asked to follow him Ted wasnt sure he should go with a stranger anyway
he deided to follow him the man took ted to
a Chamber with a
ruby glimmering
the man said im gonna pretend to steal the ruby you try

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stop me im gonan lower down bye a rope and you need to save the
ruby ok do you want to do you challenge
Ted said YES without thinking the man pulled down a lever and soon ahead of him was loads of lasers and the ruby Ted saw the man allready

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lowering himself Ted dashed and without Ted even thinking he ended up doing a backflip over the laser then a summersult then a kartweel then a backbend kick over
soon he realised the man was reaching out for the diamond

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he leaped and grabbed it "WOW congrats" The man said you did rlly well then Ted closed his eyes and felt the man tugging his T-Shirt the man finally told Ted to open his eyes he looked down to his T-Shirt and there was a Badge saying

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"Im part of MI3"
hit himself in the head to check it wasnt a dream and again and again and again (goes on for ages) wait im part of MI3 "yes the man replied and now your part of MI3 i can tell you my name and
show you MI3 Secrets

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"People this is Ted hes the new Worker for MI3 and hes gonna help save the Priminister" "ok so ted this is whats happening this group called the banditts are trying kill the priminister it is your job to tell him whats happening your gonna sneak into his

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office tell him that there trying to kill him then sneak out off his office and make sure hes safe then when the Banditts arrive and sneak behind them and tie them up we will kill them and out job will be done hows that for a plan" "Great plan boss but

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do we get paid im poor?"said Ted oh ye forgot to tell you Ted every Mission we complete youll get paid 4k MI$3 Explained Ted was sooo happy you could explode (not rlly) tom warped to the priministers office he knocked on the priministers door he didnt

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answer so Ted kicked the door down "HA YA" he screamed the priminister was in there and didnt hear Ted the Priminister leaped over to the Phone about to dial 999 "dont dial 999 im
tead a new agent of MI3" "well next time dont kick the door down"

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Anyway theres this Group of players called the Banditts planning to kill you we need to get out of here NOW!!! follow me Ted and the Priminister snuck out of his office the priminister was safe so now it was time for Teds barvery of the day he had to tie

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up the ciminals he pressed crounch and took a deep breath he kickked them all i nthe face and tied them up when the criminals woke up they were face to face with guns BOOM BOOM BOOM the criminals were dead

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Ted felt proud that he saved the priminister and stopped some criminals

So he smiled

The end

Moral is dont alwast feel sad something good might happen